
On GWS- Why do so many women deflect questions when a man brings a good argument?

by Guest66827  |  earlier

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There is a time for sarcasm and cynicism, yet there is also a time for honest criticism and evaluation. An example would be the study referenced by a member that suggested men had a higher pain tolerance than women by using a standardized testing method-- then a question posted regarding that study and women's claims of their own higher pain threshold (with examples being their withstanding giving birth). Most of the answers from women on that question were sardonic, cynical, and in some instances irrelative.

Similarly when stats or studies are brought out suggesting that women take easier jobs and are less committed at work-- this to combat the perceived "wage gap". Once again we get nothing but cynicism and nonsense. Or when talking about very real discriminations against men in law on accounts such as child custody or divorce settlements or domestic violence-- all swept under by a large portion of the women posters.

Really now, what is the point of having these forums if the most legitimate arguments are trampled over or thrown out and only the same trivial questions about- feminnazi's, troll's, 'abortion'- my morals are better than yours, and fat ugly feminists get any honest effort or attention?




  1. When was there a good argument?

    There's a handful of anti-feminist men and women on here I can agree with sometimes. I'm so tired of these "Why do feminists..." "How come women..." BS generalized nonsense questions.

  2. Because we're sick of the "_____ are better at _______ than ______" arguments, that's why. Just give it a rest.

  3. I remember that question. The poster himself started the topic with "This study says men tolerate pain better than women," If the point brought up were to remain on the pain threshold, perhaps an intelligent discussion could have ensued. Instead he moronically went on to add "therefore giving birth is no big deal, and women are just being wimps."

    Bringing up an intellectual point, and then following it with a retarded insult, is asking for c**p.

  4. I think it's because they're so used to people not changing their minds even if they are presented with good reasons why feminists think what they do.

    For example, I'm unhappy about the pay gap because I've worked the same office jobs (that are supposed to pay the same starting wages to everyone) as men and found that they had higher wages than me, when they'd been with the company 2 months as opposed to a year and I did overtime each week.

    The pain threshold is dumb for either gender to argue about, it varies from person to person.

    And I think the laws do side with women, but sometimes I think they should. There are upwards of 30 battered woman's shelters in Iowa, but none for men. I know it does happen the other way around, but it's certainly not as common.

    Women are at a strange crossroads in society. Some women have power and status equal to men, and in those situations should be treated EXACTLY the same, but a lot of women dont.

    Out of couples women tend to be the lower educated member of a couple, sometimes dropping out of college to get married. If they get divorced and left with kids, they're pretty screwed.

    I think that in a divorce the child should go with the better parent, but "better" usually denotes the one who stayed home and raised him. Not always, but often. If a guy did that, he should get them, no question.

  5. feminist's tend to ignore reality when it doesn't suite them.

         Some reply in earnest some don't. Most people don't like to view any other perspective than there own.

  6. hmmm,  attention deficit, maybe?

    It's a common practice among both male and female users in this forum.  You make it seem one-sided, and it really isn't.

  7. Everyone tired of "white men are societies victims", pitiful rants please raise your thumbs!  

  8. Because it gives room to say men can provide better debates and intelligent answers. They don't want that! Also, they come here to this section with their minds made up about issues; a good argument won't persuade them.

    As for me, I love little puppies. They are so soft and cuddly. =)

  9. Because they cannot really answer them.

  10. Simply put: that is the way of the feminist.

  11. Deflection, as you describe, is a way of getting ones idea across without having to concede on an issue.  It is often used as a mask for either ignorance, irrelevance or bigotry.  

    The pain issue is one such:  attack all men and try and belittle us because we don't give birth, and by extension, we don't understand 'true pain'.  Truth is, this question is a total falsehood anyway: it assumes that vaginal is the greatest pain that anyone could suffer, and it balnkets the issue assuming that no man has ever truly suffered pain equating to child-birth.  This ignores evidence from pain specialists as well who say that pain is both subjective and interpretive.

    This issue is also exclusionary and ignores other sources of pain that are exclusive to men (such as testicular torsion) or common between sexes (kidney stones are often equated by women as being worse than child-birth).

    It is true also that issues that affect men (such as the family courts and custody decisions) directly are given short shrift on here, and will often be belittled.  I try and ignore the idots who do this though.

  12. Because they're women and they don't have the intellectual capability of sustaining an argument?

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