
On Iraq is Biden worse than McCain?

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Biden joined McCain in voting for the war resolution in 2002 that propelled the United States into Iraq? How, exactly, does Obama enhance his anti-war stand by selecting a pro-war hawk as his running mate? Among other things, Obama makes it impossible for himself to criticize McCain's pre-2003 Iraq bloodlust by selecting a bloodthirsty Democrat as his running mate.

THIS one party system is hypocritical and voting is usless!!...




  1. Not at all He admitted a long time ago how stupid that vote was, Which is more than I can say for McCain, Hillary or Bush.

  2. Agreed...

    I hope to goodness that Obama isn't another Tony Blair... a smiling, assured, glib liar and arch deceiver in a shiny suit who'll say anything to get into office and then ride a waggon and horse over his stated positions.

    God I loathe politicians - I hope I'm wrong.

  3. I consider his three part partition plan a joke.  Foreign policy reporters in the press have had wet dreams over it, but the key problem I see with it is we would be telling the Iraqis what to do.  The Kurds, Sunni and Shia are not going to listen to the US on how to handle their disputes and really have no interest in being told how to divide up the oil revenue.  Biden is a windbag with little evidence of being a foreign policy guru.

  4. Shame Americans are brainwashed and missed there chance for freedom with Ron Paul they deserve what they get

  5. Voting for the Iraq War was and is the only sensible position.  Biden got that one right.  He did, however, oppose the Surge, so maybe he isn't the Foreign Policy Expert he proclaims himself to be.

    But you are right.  This system is useless.  Stay home on Election Day....that will fix it.

    (that was sarcasm for those who don't get it)

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