
On Jon and Kate plus 8, whose your favorite little kid? Including Mady and Cara?

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I don't want to know "ooo they live near me" i just want to know who your favorite is and why.

Mine is Aaden because hes just like me. He likes to look at things and he is the professor.




  1. Aaden is cute.  And Hannah.

  2. I love aaden!  he's so sweet! u always see him making the other kids feel better when they are in time out or if they are crying.  he rarely picks fights either.  

    I love hannah also, simply for this statement "WE'RE ALL ASIAN!!!" lol... they are so cute

  3. haha i love mady with her sassy attitude

    but out of the sextuplets

    i would have to say alexis and aiden

  4. i can't remember which of the twins it is, the one who is such a help to her mum. not the whiney one. yeah she's so cool for her age.

  5. Cara.

    She's nice to her little sisters and brothers.

    Alexis is just adorable though.

  6. i don't watch that crappy show and it sounds like it is boring

  7. I like all of them for different reasons: (I am not going to list cute because you know all of them are)

    Hannah- She is kind, caring, and quite.

    Alexis- She is not afraid of anything and is a very happy energetic child.

    Leah- She is funny and creative.

    Joel- He very curious.

    Collin- He is determined to make what he wants to work, work.

    Aaden- He loves animals and likes read about them.

    Cara- Cara is so good to all the little kids and she is very smart.

    Mady- Sometimes I cannot stand her but she can still be kind when she wants to so that is good enough for me.

    - Kayleigh :-)

  8. Leah is my favorite girl and Aiden is my favorite boy!!! BUT, they are all so adorable, I am going to see them in two weekends!!!

  9. He's mine too, him and Joel!

  10. I can't choose one!  I love Leah and Aaden the most!

  11. I think Joel.  He's daddy's little boy (/girl) haha.  Or maybe Hannah, she is such a sweetheart.

    They're all so cute.

  12. Leah!  Because she's so little and adorable.  She says the cutest things.

  13. My favorite is Alexis!

    She's cute, very outgoing, loves alligators,

    and just adorable!





  14. Mine is Collin because he is awesome.

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