
On Microsoft VB 20008 Express how do you....?

by Guest58495  |  earlier

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How do you make a toolstrip button and accept button? i already made the form key preview but no list comes up were the accept button is??

is it a code??




  1. To make a toolstrip, you double click the "ToolStrip" icon in the tool box.  To create a button on that toolstrip, you click on the first available empty slot in the toolstrip, and select "Button" from the options.

    To create an "Accept" button, you find and double-click on the "button" icon in the tool box, change the name property to "Accept", and set the Text property to "Accept".

    Other than that, if that's not what you're asking, then I'm not sure WHAT you're asking, or how to answer it.  To place ANY object on your form, you find the corresponding icon in the tool box and either double-click the icon, drag it to the main form, or click the icon and create the object on the form by clicking the place where you want the upper-left corner to go, then dragging it until it is the size you want.  (The first is the easiest, which is what I described in the first two paragraphs.)

    Good luck, and happy programming.


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