
On Microsoft Word how do I limit background colour so it is just around the text itself?

by Guest62788  |  earlier

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And How do I get it off.

I am filling in an excel sheet and in one certain box it highlights up red behind but I need to get it off. Thanks




  1. In Excel choose Edit | Clear | Formats

  2. you "highlight" it

  3. if u go to where you can change the text color right next to it should be another one for just highlighting things. just play around with it cause im not exactly sure which one it is. just make sure u highlight the text u want to change with your mouse otherweis it wont work... Good luck!!

  4. You have an Excel worksheet in a Word document?

    right-click in the cell

    on the resulting submenu, click Format Cell

    click Pattern

    click "no color"

  5. In Word, high light the words and format text and there is a background choice.

    In Excel, format cell and again background shade

  6. select the text and then select highlight

  7. In Excel if you go into Format and select cells it will open up with a choice of things, one is Patterns. If you highlight the cell that is coloured and choose the white colour in Patterns and then click okay the colour should disappear.

    Not sure if this helps with your problem but hope so.

  8. the highlighting button?

  9. I think you must have highlighted the box with red highlighter. The best way to remove that is to select the box and press highlight option (drop-down menu) and click on "none".

    That should do for you in both  Ms. Word and Ms. Excel.

    Hope that helps !!!

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