
On Msn, my friends keep sending me this faocazae mobi link? But I ask them and they say they never sent it?

by  |  earlier

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I talk to friends on MSN, and people that are offline keep sending me this faocazae mobi link? What is it? I ask my friends what it is and they say they never sent it?




  1. just send it back, but insert an autolink :D

    I never accept that rubbish

  2. I get that from my friends too. It's a worm kind of virus that sends messages to one's contact list. If you have once clicked on the link, you got infected too, so you should get your computer cleaned up with some of the free anti-virus and anti-spyware software.

    Information can be find in the source, cause I was wondering what it was myself.

  3. It's a virus. Don't click on it. People who have the virus unknowlingly send the same link to other contacts.

    When someone sends you a link over msn, always ask what it is first.

    Watch out for ones that say "OMG is this you???"

    I made up that URL address, but some viruses send links like that.

  4. Its not really an answer but i had the virus sent to me just now on msn,  

  5. its a virus,my brother sends it me 2 haha

    next time u get it copy and paste it in2 the web browser,remove the www. first though and it will tell u how 2 get rid of it


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