
On My Period..............?

by Guest62331  |  earlier

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Does anything change besides hormones on your period?? I'm getting my physical tommorow...but I'm on my period..Does that change my blood pressure???????




  1. Mention it to your doctor and they should take it into account. Try not to stress as this will raise it anyway.

    Good Luck and Relax.

  2. It may increase your blood pressure but I would think that it would only be a small change.  Just mention to the doctor that you are having your period, they will probably ask anyway.

  3. it could cause you get really stressed on your peiod cause you cramp and it makes you moody which will make your blood pressure go up a little but not to bad. dont worry just relax

  4. i agree with joycehot..

    just relax and calm down when you are there.

  5. Be sure to mention it during your physical and you should be fine.

  6. Your period can change many things mainly because of your hormones, but some women can gain/loose weight, yes your blood pressure can rise, you can get stressed more easily, mood swings, and many other things can happen.

    My advice is to not worry, it is very normal to have any of these things happen to you, but if you are worried, talk to your doctor or someone close to you to get more info...

    You should be fine =D

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