
On Paranormal..Aren't you glad that B.A.s aren't determined by thumbs up &thumbs down?

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I know it's tempting to do that...but sometimes friends give thumbs up and skeptics give thumbs down and also there are the "floaters" & "trolls" who give thumbs down for nothing..and probably enemies of Paranormal who give thumbs down to everybody for nothing...and then some of us have people who just don't like you or your avatar...who give thumbs down & don't even read your question. So ,I hope we all try to give B.A. to the BEST answer. (At least the one we think is the best...and most thought-out one.)I'm glad Yahoo lets US choose the answer..and doesn't go by how many thumbs up we average out to after subtracting the thumbs down. I don't think that would be possible many would have the same number. And. aren't you glad Yahoo doesnt' choose the B.A.s.?




  1. Yes.  But I must point out that you didn't mention the biggest reasons behind the 'thumbs down' - being wrong.  I'd say that's the biggest cause of the thumbs down.

  2. I think the whole point thing is silly.  We need to get over this idea that life is a game of one uping everyone else.  Isn't the free exchange of ideas enough on its own!  I think that if you contribute a lot to the forum that should be enough.  The only reason I have a lot of points is because I spend way too much time here, I have become a Y.A. junky, like everyone of the big contributers. I think it is fun here and hearing other peoples  stories is a good learning experience.  Some times I think the best answer is the one I don't agree with but has made me think in a new way.  Brain stretching is a good thing, flex that brain muscle!

  3. Really, I just think it is really silly.

    It is generally people who come on here & just want to be lizards.  I find it all is becoming quite difficult to even answer a question seriously.

    I don't give thumbs down, unless they are just "rude" or "crude" w/the answers.

    Edit:  See how now  it starts?!

  4. Since you brought it up. Yes, I like the fact that Best Answer can be chosen by the asker. I think that is much more appropriate than the thumbs ratings because of all the reasons you named.

    However, as you saw with people that recently came into the section B.A, can also be awarded just because the person is a friend and it is hardly an objective system of choosing a best answer.

    Just FYI, thumbs up can add to the points you are awarded for best answer.

    What I am most impressed with is the generosity of the believers/experiencers that often don't choose a best answer and let it go to voting where people can get BA points for answers that to me would seem insulting and rude to the person that asked the question. However, I applaud the kindness of the askers for following this path.


  5. I always thought that's how it should be. I thumbs up someone when they have a good point no matter if I agree with their opinion or not. lets say I think that betta fish are better than goldfish and someone else says that they like goldfish. If they represent it in a good way (no "bettas are stupid!" stuff) then yes I will thumbs up anyone. Although I have to admit when they have a really bad (like some half-clothed girl) or something innapropriate (kids use this site too!) I might give them a thumbs down if they have a bad answer to accompany it I will but if it's a good answer with a bad picture or something I will leave it. In most all cases I just look at the answer. I normally like to just pick my own best answer though, I am very consistent with that though so I guess I'm just lucky :)

  6. I give thumbs up to answers I think are either really well thought out, or answer the question nicely, that sort of thing.

    And I give thumbs down for people who are just rude or insulting to the person asking the question. There's just no need for that.

    Duh, I didn't even answer the question. Quick, give me a thumbs down! But yeah, I'm glad we're not judged by our thumbs down or thumbs up because I get WAY more thumbs down, especially around THIS section.


    I really need to FULLY read the entire thing before I jump on my bandwagon. It took me this long to figure out what BA stood for. DUH. lol But yeah, I don't ask many questions, but I always give BA to the person who best answers my question. How much I like them or whatever doesn't matter to me.

    But I barely look at the thumbs or thumbs down, except that I notice when someone gives me a thumbs down. I always laugh, cause I can usually sense them coming. lol But then seeing them reminds me to go give out thumbs up for the feel people who don't feel the need to insult people.

    Oh...and I tend to let choosing a BA to vote when all the answers I got gave me something and I absolutely cannot decide.

  7. No, I really couldn't care how best answer is determined.

    I suppose you've noticed that if the asker doesn't pick best answer it gets voted on - and most people just vote for themselves- well, I know I do anyway.......    


  8. >I can say with all honesty, I more than go out of my way to be fair when I hand out best answers. I would say that a large percentage of my BAs have gone to people I rarely agree with, but because they gave the best answer, they got the prize. as someone else told me earlier, this forum has become nothing more than a chat room without instant messaging. Its not hard to figure out who has done the reporting, who has went nuts with the thumbs down stuff. I march to the beat of my own drum. I dont care about thumbs ups or downs. I tried to go to a different section and those who wanted to try to give me c**p followed so I decided to come back here. If you give a blanket answer to every question and sound like a broken record, your not going to get a BA from me.You will never see a question of mine go to voting so someone can bring in a block of forty contacts to out vote anyone else. Thats not giving a best answer, thats buying one. in a lot of ways I  respect the skeptics point of view more than others because they dont just take it for granted that everything is haunted. Some are waiting for someone to prove something , some want to experience something and just havent yet. either way, your more than welcome to continue with the thumbs down for my answers, I take it as a sign of pride that I have touched your life so much, you go out of your way to show me the love!!!!!

  9. I'd rarely get B.A.s if it were based on thumbs up/down!  But who cares. I'm not here for the purpose of gaining points that are pretty much meaningless anyway. Is anybody else here for the points?  I'd say probably not. I don't think either believers or skeptics are here for that purpose, and I notice that both are generous with recognizing and awarding a good answer. And on that note, thumbs up to John S :)

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