
On Paranormal do you prefer links, or cut&paste or neither?Had you rather the person put it in their own words

by  |  earlier

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I just don't want to go to all the trouble to get links for people if nobody really wants them. Although I do learn a lot from them.




  1. To me, if you took the TIME to look up an explanation or an acceptable answer, then it is very much worth the time.  As I said before, not all of us are gifted with the knowledge to know all.

  2. If someone cares enough to take the time to answer my question I'll read whatever research or links they can provide me with. I'm here to learn and explore new things. A couple of people on here have said they don't want to have to read a lot or want links to lengthy articles. To them I say you really don't wish to learn because the only way to expand your mind is to take in information and knowledge.

  3. The answer is,links are good cut and paste is bad.People should at least attempt to back up their answers.

  4. I appreciate links.  I dislike cut and paste unless it's something [I think -smile-] needed cutting and pasting for some particular purpose.

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