
On Pregnancy and constipation. Please help me. I am pregnant and I have not done number 2 in like 3 days!?

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I am worried that my baby might get poisoned by my waste.

Btw, I am 5weeks pregnant.





  1. Try apple, plum, or prune juice. Plum juice really saved me! Good luck!

  2. Glycerin (sp?) suppository, best thing eva.  Saved me  more than one time during preg.    

  3. You need to eat/drink lots of rich in fiber type food. Or drink prune or plum juice. Plum juice worked for me. Oh and drink lots of water.

  4. I go threw this every time I'm prego. try lots of water, banannas, sweet oil and you can even take stool softners made for woman. try researching what food make you go, prunes or figs is another realy good one.

  5. Try warm prune juice; it worked for my mother in law when cold prune juice didn't.  When you feel like that, you'll try anything.  I guess it worked really fast, so be ready!

  6. A standard glycerin suppository, or Fleet Liquid Glycerin Suppository ( really a mini-e***a of glycerin) should resolve your problem within the hour (probably much sooner). Most constipation results in hardened stools in the r****m, so why not clear it out from that end?

  7. Eat cherries and watermelon, they worked wonders for me.  For the sake of your backside get in the habit of eating fiber and drinking tons of water!  I've also heard that lemonade helps.  Congratulations!

  8. im 20 weeks pregnate and threw my whole pergnacy i only go number2 once a week and was told by my dr its normal as long as you keep takeing your vitamins

  9. drink a couple glasses of apple juice....that should do the trick....if that doesnt your dr.

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