
On R&S do Christians receive many hate mail from Atheists?

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I ask because I received hate mail from a "Sacred" now removed Christian member, accusing me of micturating on Christian lifes (or some paraphrase). I wondered if Christians receive similar hate-full messages. Do you bother replying? I noticed that many Christians have received hate-full email from fellow fundamental Christians.




  1. I don't know,but I sure have gotten some nasty mail from christians.

    I remember one clearly who harrassed me for days simply because I said I didn't have to respect any man.  

  2. The hate mail goes both ways sadly. I think that atheists get it more frequently than Christians, but I wouldn't be surprised to find it was equal or tilted the other way. There's no real way to take data to find out though, lol.

  3. No actually, the hate mail I receive are from "Christians" who tell me that I'm NOT Christian and that I've been deceived, yada yada yada, blah blah blah....

    The atheists on the other hand are usually more respectful and sometimes even stick up for our freedom to believe as we see fit. I've never recieved an email from an atheist being hateful.

  4. I received a nasty e-mail once but I'm pretty sure it was from another so-called Christian. The way that he/she rambled on because he/she didn't agree with my views was quite surprising, then they proceeded to tell me that they were a MENSA member (yeah right!). I replied in kind and commented on MENSA membership and that it did not make them wise even if they are apparently intelligent.

    Laugh it off and forget them if they can not understand " My father has many mansions " then they are spiritually devoid of any Christianity then.


  5. hate is everywhere

  6. I don't

    i think this section loves me

  7. mostly obtuse and sarcastic..

  8. I'm an atheist and, surprisingly, I receive little to no hate mail.

    I thought it'd be flooding my inbox but... nary a nasty message to be found!

  9. I don't usually send any e-mails, but I like receiving them, Fundie or not.

  10. Dude, Sacred hates me too. That person is just bitter.

  11. I got a few from a few Atheists and a few Christians since I've been on here.  Mostly links and that I should read either read the Bible or that Stephen Hawkin's book.

  12. It's not safe to go on here with an public profile.

    Change everything to private and block people from contacting you; especially if you regularly visit this section. I'm an atheist and I got one a long time ago but I changed it and it hasn't happened since.

  13. Nope. Email disabled.

  14. I get tons of it from Atheists and save all of to show the ones that do not believe Atheists send it.

  15. I don't get hate emails, But I get many hate answers, & the reason it is hate, is because they can not convert us Christains, so they get mad.  

  16. LMBAO, h**l yeah.  

    I have a "nasty little heathen" folder. Plus I have been blocked by a few atheists, with some serious hang ups. Also 2 questions have been posted where atheists weren't all too nice to me.  See my profile.

    ***sniff*** it is hard to be me.

  17. No bleever has ever received hate mail from me, reason being that I've never sent any.  (Not that I haven't considered it on occasion.)

  18. I can't speak for anyone else but I don't recall ever getting a "hate" mail. I've gotten a couple where people didn't like what I said but I wouldn't call them hate mails. As it is written:

    Proverbs 16:7  When a man's ways please the LORD, He makes even his enemies to be at peace with him.

    1 Peter 3:15  But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect,  16  keeping a clear conscience, so that those who speak maliciously against your good behavior in Christ may be ashamed of their slander.


  19. I have in the past a few times. However it's not super common for me.

    I believe this to be because I try very hard to be non-offensive and I never make fun of people.  That has alot to do with hate mail for the most part.  If one is continually rude and hateful, they will see a greater incidence of expulsions for QA and hate mail from members they are rude to.

  20. Well, dearie, you gotta understand how it all works.  What may seem like hate mail to you is really their way of showing you how much they love you, you know like their god watching his only son being tortured and die and doing nothing about it or demanding that his sheep kill their own son to show their loyalty and stuff.  You gotta have a certain appreciation for the Christian love, it ain't for the weak-hearted

  21. i have received hate mail from christians.

    (i never reply back)

  22. Well I have IM and e-mail off.  So get nothing.  

    Given the nature of boards like this, (they attract idiots who love nothing more than being spiteful)  I knew there would be some on all sides who would get nasty.

    Some folk have very sad lives.

  23. Never received one. Hopefully, I won't anyways.  

  24. Yeah, I get a lot of hate mail from atheists.. I actually kind of enjoy it cause it gives me a chance to debate

  25. so far no.  Actually I haven't gotten any R&S email.

  26. I used to receive hate mail from atheists. Not recently though. Sending hate mail isn't exactly a Christian thing to do. If he was sending hate mail, I hope he learns from his mistakes.

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