
On Route 6 on Cape Cod there is a stretch of road called "Suicide Alley". Why is it 2 lanes?

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The rest of Route 6 is 4 lanes wide. Why wouldn't it be made wider so it can get rid of this awful nickname?




  1. Lots of car accidents over the years happened there. That stretch of road has had the nickname for decades. The goverment is too cheap to expand the road. And they should but then the conservationalists would cry foul for digging up their land.

  2. cheapness of the government.

  3. I was on that road before when we visited cape cod a couple years ago. I do not know where that stretch is. Its probably due to bad accidents. Maybe you should get on the backs of the local govt. officials about considering this. I do know that there sure was a h**l of a lot of cars in that area when we drove through and we missed our ferry because of it. A total log jam throughout. Pretty area cape cod but not all that warm. We went their for July 4th. Nothing but Fog!! Oh well...

  4. Because it is Massachusetts.

    We are known for our bad roads and having no rhyme or reason to them.

  5. Wow - I don't know so i did a seach on "suicide alley widening cape cod" and there actually were articles. Wasn't expecting that!

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