
On September 11th?

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Hi everyone.

On 9/11, For the short period of time when only one building had been attacked (the first plane hit) did people think it was just a terrible accident?




  1. I did at first.

    I even thought the second one was a accident too.

    I was at work and didn't hear any big news coverage until later.

    I thought the second plane was like a hospital chopper or something. It wasn't until later that day I found out what happened for real.

  2. I had gotten out of the shower shortly after the first plane hit, and I tuned to the news like I always used to do.  The news people did think it was an accident.  It wasn't until the second one hit that they began thinking "terrorism".

  3. I was in 9th grade at the time and my teacher just ran in the room turned on the radio and ran back out. We were just all confused like "What why are we listening to talk radio? Whats going on?" All I thought that happend was that some guy crashed his little plane into the WTC on accident... obviously thats not what happend. It was such a weird day, I still remember how it felt.
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