
On Supernatural, how is Sam going to get Dean out of h**l?

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Your thoughts? Is Jensen Ackles even coming back for the new season?




  1. yes he is still a main character in the show from what i have heard sam has help of a psychic not sure how much this has to the guys being reunited also there is a 5 min clip of episode 1 one you tube which shows you dean in a shop looking around still the same old dean but i know there is alot of mystery about his time in h**l.

    the show would definitely not be the same if either sam or dean were not in it.

    i cant wait for the new series to start I'm so excited x

  2. Jensen Ackles is DEFINITELY coming back for the new season - phew ; )

    I think Sam will definitely have something to do with Dean getting out of h**l but we won't know exactly how he was involved until later in the season - I think it's going to be explained through flashbacks.  When Dean claws his way out of his grave in the season premiere 'Lazarus Rising' he doesn't remember anything about his time in h**l and even he doesn't know how he got out but he's still got quite a few scars.

    When Sam faced Lillith in 'No Rest For The Wicked' he learned that he was pretty powerful - I mean, all the other demons were scared of Lillith yet Sam managed to injure her almost without realising it. So while Dean is in h**l I hardly think Sam would be sitting around doing nothing. I reckon that he put his demon powers to good use and moved a little bit closer to the dark side in order to get Dean out of h**l and maybe he did something that Sam from season 1 would never have done & something that Dean definitely wouldn't approve of. Sam will have been in a very bad place emotionally since Dean's death and will have become pretty reckless in his actions. Dean was the most important person in his life and I think there's nothing he wouldn't do if it meant saving Dean. I think we'll be seeing a much darker side of Sam - like we saw in 'Mystery Spot' - and I don't think that will completely vanish when Dean returns - I think Sam will retain a lot of his anger.

    We know that Sam and Dean's relationship will have changed in season 4 after Dean's time in h**l. Dean told Sam he didn't want him to use his demon powers & so I think that Sam would do anything to save Dean but he wouldn't tell Dean if he did use his powers. Sam and Bobby ask new character Pamela to find the Yellow Eyed Demon's spirit in h**l and so maybe he has something to do with getting Dean out of h**l - either way - I think he might resurface in season 4 & make things awkward for Sam and Dean.

    You can see some pictures from the season premiere here:

    (and it looks like Dean is definitely back in action from the very start of the season!!! - Yay!!)

    You can see the official trailer from the CW here:

    Either way - I'm really REALLY excited about the new season - I can't wait to see it - the cliffhanger from season 3 has been driving me crazy all summer!! ; )

  3. who knows

    but if dean doesnt come back

    the show wont be the same :/

    but i remember seeing new pics of the season

    dean and sam looked like they were somewhere at some bar

    so idk somethin happens cuz he does come back

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