
On T.V advertising injury claims, how much does the company actually get paid?

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With payouts of between £5k and £12k to the claimants, do they claim out of these, or do they claim seperately from the firms involved?




  1. they would normally claim a lot more than you get

  2. I always thought they claimed their share separately from the compensation as legal costs. So the Insurance company pays them.

  3. Maldwyn,

    I am not sure where you are, but in the US, it is customary for the attorney to get at LEAST 30% of the awarded amount.

    Now, it all depends of the severity of the injury as to how much you get paid.

    Please keep in mind, most attorneys will only accept serious cases to avoid fraudulent claims.

    Take care of yourself,


  4. They take a percentage of what is awarded, up to 50% plus costs, so you may be worse off dealing with them. You can claim yourself without involving these sods and get 100% of money claimed.

  5. They collect their payments off the other party.


    You slip and Break arm, thats worth = £10,000

    Company who takes your case want's = £2,000.

    They sue the person responsible for £12,000, Everyone gets paid!!

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