
On Yahoo News There is a story of a 12 year old?

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Quebec girl who FAKED being kidnapped

she made the police think that she had been kidnapped and the Police are not even mad at her about it

I think her parents ought to drag her Quebec *** into the washroom and Whoop her GOOD !!!

I cant believe that she would be able to get away with faking being kidnapped

What does everyone think???




  1. Kids will be kids. A short time out will be fine.

  2. She's a twelve year old kid, the police were likely suspicious of the story from the outset, and she fessed up pretty quick. The police and justice system have better things to do than prosecute children for stupid pranks. If the police had spent millions on overtime as has happened when some cases like this went on too long they might be annoyed, but I get the impression they didn't.

    There is zero info about her home life, her mental health, or whatever factors might have figured into this, hopefully her parents are mature and will handle this appropriately.

    I don't really think this is a very big story, in fact this sort of thing happens a few times a year I'm sure. It was a stupid hoax by a young kid.

    Now swatting, that's ugly:

  3. The original report of the "kidnap" suggested that the police did not take the story especially seriously to begin with, and one presumes they did not devote a large amount of time to investigating this girl's bogus claims.

    The way they reported it, she was obviously lying, and the police eventually got her to admit it. No harm done.

    Why would she do it? Attention seeking, maybe.

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