
On Yahoo <span title="Answers..................?">Answers.....................</span>

by  |  earlier

0 LIKES UnLike you care, or give a flying f**k on what other people think of your team ? I come here to discuss with a few people about my team and football, but some here can't answer a simple question, all they do is throw insults at the OP and the team, sometimes it makes me wonder I'm all alone here talking to myself with no one answering the question I'm asking, example. I ask a question about Arsenal, i get replies like "Arsenal r c**p, we r da best", "get a life". Can be quite annoying seeing 80% of the people answering your questions are complete idiots. Only one or 2 good, knowledgeable answers. But this is not like i care, well do you, when people make fun of you and your team ?




  1. I don&#039;t really care what other fans say about United.Our achievements speak for themselves.I don&#039;t need to defend them,since those taunts are juvenile and unoriginal.You hear one of them,you&#039;ve heard them all.

    Anyways,I try my best to answer the questions to the best of my ability.Of course,sometimes when the question is a little cheeky,I&#039;ll tend to write a couple of taunts,but not in malice.Of course,in return when I ask a question,I also expect people to give me relevant answers,and not stupid taunts to p**s me off.I find it really hard to believe that 80% of the answers to your questions are taunts.For me it&#039;s the opposite.

  2. Who gives a cr** if people think my team (arsenal) suck...they can go cry in a hole (especially Spurs fans) ;)  

  3. I don&#039;t care what others think of my team (Liverpool), and I completely respect that others support different clubs. That&#039;s the great thing about sports. Everyone has their own team they love. They shouldn&#039;t care what others think, because, in their mind and in their heart, that team is &quot;their&quot; team.

    Rivarly in sports is always there. Sports wouldn&#039;t be sports without it. But people know when they cross the line. A little bickering is fine. You support who you support, and that&#039;s fine. But when it all comes down to it, we&#039;re a group of people who love the sport, football. So when a fellow asks, &quot;Why is this...?&quot; or &quot;Who was it that...?&quot;, just give them a good answer. No &quot;Your team&#039;s rubbish&quot; or &quot;What a loser!&quot; junk, just a good answer to a person with a good question.  

  4. i don&#039;t care either

    i respect each team and the way they play.

    when answering a question,, i just don&#039;t go for my team (man u ) but weigh out the pros and cons.

    like when i answing a question like : who is gonna win the epl?

    i just don&#039;t say &quot;man u, they are the best&quot; and some c**p like that

    but i say teams like chelsea too may win it.

    and give reasons for my answer.

    most of the time, i get good answers and good response for my answers, but every once in a while there  is a user who think its c**p and gives a thumbs down or answers some S**t.

    i think its a package deal and u really can&#039;t just chose good side.

  5. If they can give plausible, well thought out reasons I don&#039;t really mind.

  6. Um...I care if I respect the person&#039;s opinions, but if it&#039;s just the idiots spraying rubbish around I couldn&#039;t care less. You can ask a serious question looking for sensible opinions about a topic you&#039;d expect lots of fans to be interested in, then ask a stupid question five minutes later and it gets 10X the amount of answers. Not many people are here to discuss football it would seem.

    But to be honest, as an Arsenal fan you&#039;re pretty well-off. Mention the word &#039;Liverpool&#039; and it attracts so many idiots..

  7. Nah, I normally like it, as they normally have no reasons and we can just make a fool of them!

    flying f**k, I&#039;ve never heard that one before!!!

  8. whats ur problem if someone says Arsenal is c**p (if you post a question Arsenal is best?) Everybody knows Arsenal plays good football (normally) but is not the best team by far! maybe you have a inferiority complex? because you will never be on a par with the 2 real big clubs

  9. actually ,i dont give a d**n cause these people only do it to wind you up and dont deserve anyone&#039;s attention

  10. The standard of debate on YA is p poor generally - not just in the Football pages.  

  11. if they give reasons and actually put up a good argument then i dont realy mind. it&#039;s when man united fans come on sayin, &#039;man.u r de best&#039; that p***s me off!

  12. i like banter if people know how to banter... but sadly not everyone does...i do it myself at if you asked how arsenal will get on against say villa ... i might just pop on giving support to villa ..and thats about it ..80% idiots ?? thats a lot of us your pointing fingers at bud ..

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