
On a chihuahua, when can u feel the puppies move in her tummy?

by  |  earlier

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she was 7 lbs before she got pregnant and she would have bred on the 4th of july....any advice other than call vet and get her spayed (which are both being done) would be appreciated, i tried to listen to her belly with a prenatal monitor but am not sure what a puppies heart beat would sound like in utero...




  1. You should be able to feel the puppies after the 6th week. I'd have the vet do x rays to determine litter size. Plese work closely with your vet, Chis are known for c-sections.

  2. She's at about 7 weeks, so you might be able to feel them moving now.  It's not as distinct as with humans because the puppies are smaller, and wrapped in their placentas like little burritos.

    The heart beat of the puppies would be very rapid, but also muffled by both fluid and solid structures.  Add to that that you have several of them going, and it might be difficult to pick out just one.

  3. wow my chihuahua got pregnant on july fourth!! youll know if she is pregnant by now! i cant hear or feel them move but i can see how big she is already!! dogs are pregnant for around 63 days

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