
On a clear day, can the CN Tower in Toronto be seen from Whitehorse, Yukon Territory?

by Guest62246  |  earlier

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What if the skies are so clear you can see for miles and miles.....(I mean, kilometers and kilometers).

What if the air is so clear you can see ALL of Canada in one panoramic view and therefore don't have to drive anywhere?




  1. Are you an idiot?

  2. Uh, it doesn't matter how clear the air is, there is still that little matter of the curvature of the earth. Whitehorse is more than 4000 km from Toronto.

  3. lmao  Canada is the second largest country in the world  hope you got super eyesight!

  4. Okay, forget the funny answers from other people, try to visualize this.

    The world is divided into 24 time zones, each one hour apart - London England is in one zone, Amsterdam, Holland is an hour later, and so on all the way round the globe.

    Canada covers more than five of those 24 time zones (Pacific, Mountain, Central, Eastern, Atlantic and Newfoundland which is half an hour ahead of Atlantic)

    You can see then, that it would be impossible for someone to see a fifth of the way around the world, no matter how clear a day it is.

    The answer then is "No" it is not possible to see all of Canada in one panoramic view, any more than it would be possible to see all of Europe, or all of the United States, or all of Australia.

    Keep studying Geography Mate!

  5. The rocky  mountains  spoil the view  ..

  6. All of the other are right in a way, I live in Toronto, and have been in Vaughan, Kleinburg and Niagara on the lake and been able to see it no problem and those places are between 20 and 30 miles away.

  7. No, but  on a clear day you can see Whitehorse from the CN Tower, so Torontonians say.  Everything's better in the centre of the universe.

  8. You must be kidding! Of course not!

    The earth is not flat, you know.

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