
On a first DUI, do you get arrested?

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I live in OC, California, if I get pulled over and BAC is at 0.08 or higher, it will be a DUI. I know i get my DL revoked for 4 months, but do I get arrested on the spot? Or they just take my DL and let me go?

If i get arrested, can I get bailed out? Also, how much are the fines?




  1. Well yeah, they'll arrest you to process you for the dui.  Depending on whether youre cool or not they might fasttrack you out of the station.  It has been my experience that cops wont take you to jail unless you really act like thats what you need.

  2. you probably will get arrested.

  3. you will be arrested. you would probably be eligable for bail if it is your first offense and there are no other circumstances like an accident, and you have no other warrants. bail will be 10 thousand dollars. you will also do at least 30 days in jail. and pay a fine to the court

    just don't do it, its not worth it.

  4. Yes, you get arrested the first time and in some states it is now a felony, even on the first arrest.

    $10,000 total, not including attorney fees isn't unrealistic and it much better than the alternative, going to jail.  The better solution is not to drink and drive - even taking a cab long distance is cheaper in the long run.

    Costs vary greatly depending on where you live.  In addition to Cost Cost and Probation Fees ($500-$1,000 or more) most state now have manditory alcohol classes (if you don't have health insurance that covers going to rehab) that range from one weekend ($300) to three times a week for 6-9 mos ($20-$40 per meeting to be paid each meeting).

    Bail varies greatly also depending on where you live, but most bailbond places you have to pay 10% or the bail to them for them to post the bond or pledge collateral that they will except and percentage and bail could range from $750 to $7,500 or more ($75 to $750 to a bailbonding company to make bail).

    If your attorney can get authorization for a provisional license it usually involves getting breathalizer attached to your ignition, for which there is an installation fee (usually starting at $125) and a rental fee per month ($75/mo).

  5. It depends on departmental policy. Some places will arrest and let you sleep it off in the drunk tank. Others will write you a ticket and give you a ride home.

  6. you should. if you cant pay the bail, then dont drink and drive! why do it anyway when you can KILL someone?

  7. i got a brillant idea. why don't you just don't drink and drive??? take a cab, walk, have a sober friend come pick you up.

    yes you WILL get arrested. and YES you can get arrested for a BAC loer than 0.08. that's not a magical number as you might think.

    in my experience (yeah, i'm a dumbass that actually has one here in Los Angeles), they arrest you, take you in to the station, book you, let you sober up, (your car is towed btw) then release you on an OR, with a temp license (piece of paper), instructions for a court hearing.

    the fines can vary depending if there was any victims or damage. you will have a 3 year probation, pay court fees of (i think) 1500k +, then you have driver safety classes to take which are around 400, AA classes, volunteer fees maybe $50, and then you have CAL Trans.

    just don't drink and drive at all. it's not worth it.

  8. They always arrest you. They deem you incapable of operating a vehicle when you get a DUI. In the eyes of the law that means that if they let you go you may injure yourself or others.

    You can of course get bailed out. That is usually 10% of your bond.

    If you are alone and have nobody in the car with you that can prove that they are licensed and are totally sober.... they will tow your car. You have to pay for towing and impoundment. It has been a bit since I have lived in CA but where I live overnight and a portion of the next day would run about $700.

    $10,000 is about right after fines, court costs, suspension,reinstatement fees, alcohol awareness class fees, lawyer fees and all of that.

    The big cost comes later. It comes when your insurance company doubles your rates for 3 years. A simple speeding ticket during that time period can let the insurance company drop you. Then you are screwed.

    After one DUI if you get another one within 10 years you would be done. A couple of glasses of wine after a nice dinner years later could get you to .08.

    All in all....... even if it costs say $50 to take a taxi home that is a far better deal than the alternative.

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