
On a four way road, is a signal at the center better than a traffic police handling the traffic?

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On a four way road, is a signal at the center better than a traffic police handling the traffic?




  1. Did you read your driver manual prior your license?

  2. signal is better. less chance for error and getting hit by the traffic

  3. nope, a cop always takes precedence over a machine(light).  always listen to the cop.

  4. Yes and No.........

  5. yes, not everyone would be used to seeing an officer direct traffic and would be more likely to see the signal.

  6. Yes, human error is always more prevalent in my experience.

  7. traffic police can get moody, but they're there to actually see, so unless the signal has artificial intelligence, traffic police

  8. Traffic police are neat because you can chuck your drinks at them.

  9. It is certainly safer for the cop that isn't standing out in front of you.

  10. Signal.

  11. Yes definately, i wouldn't fancy standing in the middle of 4 lanes of traffic!!!! would you??

  12. Either way is great for me

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