
On a guitar is there any way you can space out your strings so that there not so close together?

by Guest56121  |  earlier

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bc when im playing i find my strings are ways to close together




  1. No.  Your only other option is to have a custom guitar made.

  2. I've never heard of anything like that. You will find that it is hard not to "muffle" the strings when you are learning. It comes with practice and eventually, it will just be second nature.

  3. bass dude the strings are further apart

    i recommend

  4. I know several guys with big hands and thick fingers who still somehow manage to play fiddle and mandolin beautifully -- and violins and mandolins have teeny little fingerboards with the strings much closer together than on a guitar.

    If they can do it on fiddles and mandolins, you can get used to the string spacing on a guitar.  It just takes practice!

  5. I think classical guitars have the strings a bit further apart..... and they have nylon strings for those who have "sensitive" fingers.

    I'd suggest learning with the standard string set......

    go hard...

    : P

  6. Goleafs - Jimmy Hendricks played a right-handed Stratocaster upside-down because he couldn't get a left-handed model. Tony Iomi of Black Sabbath is missing a piece of one of the fingers on his left (fret) hand. Roy Clark (phenomenal country picker) has fingers that are as short and stumpy as a breakfast sausage. And for what it's worth - Bruce Lee had one leg shorter than the other.

    The standard guitar neck won't change for you - learn to excel within your limitations and become a phenomenal player like these guys have (except Bruce - as far as I know he never picked up a guitar).

    OR - switch to a bass guitar instead.

  7. The best thing is to but a Gibson. The neck is fatter and that will solve your problem....

    I have big hand and cannot play on a narrow neck. That is your only solution or live with the guitar you have.

  8. i spose you could buy a 12 string and only string 6 of them..

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