
On a job do you care about the money you make or your co-workers liking you?

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You got a job that makes a good $40,000 a year. With good benefits, paid vacation, sick days, and retirement plan. But some of the females there talk about you behind your back and give attitude. Would you care about that or the just doing your job and earning your pay. You do your job well and there aren't complaints from management.




  1. Ignore the gossip.  Focus on your job.  Be kind/helpful.  Never share personal info with ANYONE at work, nor make very close friendships.  Take your frustration out at the gym.  Remember you never know who your next manager will be, nor who you may be managing some day.  Good luck!  (retired IBM exec mgr/ psychologist)

  2. the money...thats all im there for nothing more nothing less

  3. You should just care about doing a good job for your employer, that being said it completely drives me crazy when I think someone doesn't like me!!!!

  4. Just work, who cares about the other people.

  5. Well, for me and many other people, we work for the money. Some females are so catty (sp?). You just have to overlook it. I was an admin in a department where the women all gossiped and talked about everyone. I just did my work and complimented them on an outfit, only if it looked nice. I would talk about current events and celebrities so that I wasn't being totally anti-social. I would also send funny emails to show I had a personality. People are going to talk about you behind your back. Just be cordial and do your work. If you can stand it, work there for a few years until your salary increases and you learn new job skills and leave for a better career opportunity. Don't burn any bridges and you will do just fine.

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