
On a packed tube...?

by  |  earlier

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why can people not step off a the train to let others off? Is it a fear of losing that one and only square cm of standing space?




  1. Don't you know? last one on pays.

  2. It's called 'commuter manners' completely different, if they exist at all, to what 'normal' people's manners are!

  3. Same reason nobody stands for a pregnant woman senor citezen etc..etc.. Selfishness

  4. I think it's the fear of being the last to get back on the train and may be risk not even getting back on again. People are so inconsiderate aren't they?

  5. Did anyone know it's actually illegal to get on the train before everyone wishing to get off has done so. You can actually be fined! So those ppl not wanting to get off and just hoping to save their spot are just obviously not aware that they get first dibs back in anyway !!!!

    I love that I got two thumbs down for this so far as I wasn't actually trying to be funny. It is a BTP law in it's own right. You can be fined. Thanks for the thumbs down tho, I guess you didn't know after all.

  6. its just rude... last night on the tube, there was men sitting down, not even offering a seat to a pregnant woman... that really fu*ked me off.

  7. Because approximately 95% of tube users are selfish, ignorant c**ts.

  8. It's the fear that the train will go without you

  9. Yes

  10. Its the fear of the train not staying there long enough for them to hop back on!

  11. I know, its plain rudeness. I always do it for other people. I have now resorted to shouting "excuse me" really loudly and then charging through them if they still don't step off. My handbag full of books usually serves as the battering ram...
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