
On a privert jet do u need a co-pilot or just a pilot i've just always wondered as they ave 2 sets of controls

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On a privert jet do u need a co-pilot or just a pilot i've just always wondered as they ave 2 sets of controls




  1. Some private aircraft require two pilots while others don't. Aircraft that have a maximum takeoff weight greater than 12.500 pounds or are classified as transport category aircraft require two pilots to operate. Also aircraft that are too complex to be flow by a single pilot require two pilots. For example the Dassault Falcon 10. It is not a transport category aircraft and I believe weighs around 12.000 pounds but due to its tiller steering mechanism, meaning it uses a steering wheel for taxing instead of pedals, is not allowed to be flown by one person because at one point during the takeoff you would need three hands. Also aircraft that have not been approved for single pilot operation by the manufacturer such as the Lear 31A which meets all requirements except that Lear will not allow it. There is one exception to this rule. The beech king air 350. The 350 is the only transport category aircraft that also weighs more than 12.500 pounds that is allowed to be flown by one person due to its commonality with the king air 200 which is allowed to be flown by one person under regular FAA regulations. I hope this answers your question.

  2. Most private jets need two pilots - not for flying purposes - but mainly for insurance concerns. There is a specific weight requirement - if a jet weighs more than 12,500#s - you'll need two pilots. We call that the Thurmon Munson Rule.

    There is a great article in Flying Magazine about the insurance requirements here.

    It's never a bad idea to have another set of eyes and ears and ability sitting next to you. Lots of people who are perfectly qualified to fly their airplanes without another pilot hire or invite someone to sit along side them.

  3. Hmmm, many people say here that if the aircraft weighs over 12,500 it needs two pilots.  I thought that it required a type rating to fly if it's turbojet powered or over 12,500.  For two pilots, it depends on the way the aircraft was certificated.  Aren't there King Air's that weigh more than that and can be flown single pilot?  Even a Beech 1900, which is just a large King Air, can be flown by one pilot, unless it's being operated under part 121.  They can be flown part 91 with only one pilot.  There are single pilot Citation jets too, but some require two.

  4. You need both.. unless it's a small plane.

  5. If the airplane weighs 12,500 pounds or more including fuel and payload (that is Gross Weight), a crew of two pilots is required by Federal Aviation Regulations.

    Very few light jets weigh less than that.

  6. I agree with most of the others. Worth noting that the Cessna 500 series Citations were available for 1 or 2 crew operation.

    Cessna 500 1 pilot, Cessna 501 2 pilots.

    Cessna 550 1 pilot, Cessna 551 2 pilots.

    Many of the 1 pilot aircraft have been converted to comply with rules for international use.

    Ian M

  7. On all the private jets I fly, two pilots are required by type certificate.

    Most private jets currently in service require two pilots by type certificate.

    There are a few types currently in service which can be flown "single pilot" with a single pilot authorization (SPA), which must be renewed annually. This is usually for Part 91 (non-commercial) operations only. Thinking of CE-500 variants here. Most are operated without an SPA, meaning that most are operated with two pilots. Additionally, the CE-525 series has two type rating variations: CE-525 (second pilot required) and CE-525S (single pilot).

    The emerging "Very Light Jets" are mostly single pilot by type certificate, at least for Part 91 operations.

    The short answer to your question is that most private jets do require two pilots for all operations.

    In all super mid size and large cabin private jets, two pilots are required by type certificate for all operations and with good reason.

  8. i suggest  a co pilot because if the pilot falls asleep the plane will crash without a co-pilot

  9. Also depends if you are operating under part 121, 135, or part 91.   Alot of charters flying people under part 135 will need 2 pilots, but if they are flying back with no pax, they can operate under part 91 and only one pilot is required.

  10. You always need two pilots. Some VLJs (very light jets) only require one. For example, the Cessna Citaion Mustang. Also the Piper Jet, and Cirrus "The Jet", will require one.

  11. assuming you mean 'private jet', No,you don't need a co-pilot for non commercial private trips but to travel long distances without some relief is stupid. Too many pilots have engaged the auto-pilot then left the cockpit or dozed off while the plane flew into a mountain. (ouch!)  2 Sets of controls allow for a co-pilot and you don't want to be without one when you get sick. You just can't pull over like you can in a car.

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