
On a quarterly basis, is there a way to figure out what the Exxon/Mobil is making per gallon of gas?

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I would be a relief to know what the major oil companies are making in AFTER tax profit per gallon of retail gasoline. This would help put the whole argument in perspective. As I understand it now they are making a reasonable 15% off of revenues. However, this is not clear whether this is per quarter or an annual rate. Furtermore, this calculation must bear up under scrutiny since this is such a debated topic.




  1. From my little understanding of sales is that at least 15% and up to 33% is the exspected yield one should make on every sale! Down to the pumping of 1 gallon of gas, or  1 taco and so on etc. No one should make that much profit on any 1 sale! What happened to price guaching? It's just sad with all the billion's in profits/yeilds these CEO's make make me sick! Like paying Tiger Woods 11 million dollars for a weekend 1st place Fed-Ex golf tornament! And I am a big Tiger Woods fan-don't get me wrong! There's plenty of money obviously out there-it just has to be delagated better!

  2. Are you kidding me? Oil is the "wonder" fluid. At a refinery the crude is heated to a certain temperature and gives off one type of gas. its captured and sold. Then its heated to a higher temperature and another type of gas is given off/produced, captured and sold. Then its used to make gasoline, carosene and three other s like benzine etc.... then the leftover sludge is made into grease and other lubricants and jellies.  All the other "waste" is blended with the deisel fuel and burned off by transport trucks into our atmosphere. Nice hun? The oil companies make around $2,250 profit off one barrel of oil! The govenment has the ability to offer us relief in the form of taxes. Gasoline is taxed 60% in Canada. When the price jumps just one cent the govenments tax reveue s jump 55 million $ a day! The fact its jumped 35 cents a litre goes to show you that the governments are in bed with the oil companies to cash in on the profits. The usa uses middle men to speculate the price of crude oil. This allows people to whimsically adjust the prices, not just natural occurances. We are being ripped off blind. I personally have invented an engine that runs indefinitely on two 12 volt batteries. You wont need gasoline ever again! Im waiting 18 months for a full patent.....then bye bye oil companies huge profits! Until then were screwed. If you calculate the results of how much increased profit they've made you will become very upset. I suggest you dont bother. You think it's 15%? try again they make 115% profit on gasoline alone!

  3. You say 15% is reasonable. How do we know that? How does this compare per unit to other industries that sell hundreds of millions of units per year? I know food wholesalers only make about 2%. What you are talking about would be a good start, but we should probably look a little deeper.

  4. I don't know where you get 15%. Exxon, for example, has $400 B in revenue and has after-tax profits of $40 B - or 10% (annual)

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