
On a "Survivor" TV program, people reflect. If someone is booted off, people reflect on who/what caused it.

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If people disappear from a computing project, say a safety-critical project, should I reflect on what might have caused then to leave ?




  1. Those who have a conscience will reflect, those with a plan will be patting themselves on the back, not very nice really, I couldnt go on one of those shows cause I'm too honest for my own good! :)

  2. Many leave because principles prohibit participation in what is a morally questionable climate of protagonists given free licence to open proxy to massacre the rights and free will of other.

    The dismissed may be warriors fighting an unscrupulous trend away from established values. The herd mentality predicates goodwill and peace. It is not a matter or strength but an issue of a complete absence of scruples and morality.

    Those destined to be slaughtered on this battleground of h**l, return to continue battle, until they can struggle no more to be dismissed.

    The greater refuse to accord any degree of serious consideration and are here to wile away the hours taxing their brain cells.

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