
On a scale from 1 to 30, how different would you like the world to be?

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On a scale from 1 to 30, how different would you like the world to be?




  1. 1 being the how it is

    and 30 being the complete opposite.....

    about... hmm... maybe a 23

    the world needs a change but not as dramatic as a complete 360

  2. For one thing, I'd want it to be much simpler, as in people not choosing such an arbitray number, like thirty for a scale.  I mean, what would be the significant difference between, say, sixteen and seventeen on that scale?

    Wouldn't a "one to ten" scale simplify things and give you the same information?  Why not a "one to five?"  For that matter, why not a "one to three?"

    On a scale of one to three, the responder has the option of declaring that they would choose, "no difference," "moderately different," or "very different."  Isn't that what your question is asking?

  3. 15.

  4. 20

  5. Certainly 30

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