
On a scale of 1-10, how good looking would you say this man is?

by  |  earlier

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  1. Are you serious? THis guy looks like Hitler. h**l! He IS HITLER!!

  2. He has the look of Hitler and he's boring as h**l.  On a scale of 1 to 10 I'd give him a 4.  If you take the wedgie out of his *ss, maybe he'll move up a notch.

  3. About 4-5

  4. thats adolf hitler.. lol i thought he kinda looks like martin sheen

  5. I'd say a 5 but he's a bit old for me! it's not really a good picture, he looks quite stern, doesn't remind me of hitler that much.....he hasn't got that evil look in his eyes!

  6. No wonder he is single!

  7. See above.... especially the hitler comments.

  8. lol

  9. +10

  10. -5

  11. Not good.

  12. around 5

  13. Dude!!! That's Hitler without his mustache!!

  14. -100 jk um 2

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