
On a scale of 1-10, how rude is this?

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Me and my cousin were at the beach; and as we came out the bathrooms, a little girl points at my cousin and says "you have ugly hair, you have ugly hair!." she'd just come out the water, so her hair was wavy/curly, but it looked nice.

also, the little girl's MOM [i'd say was 30ish] said my cousin had nappy, ugly, frizzy hair, and told all the adults and kids with her to tease my cousin. i was soooo pissed off that i called her a fat bxtch, and told her to STFU.

rate the little girl, and her mother.




  1. Pretty rude. And once again, there's a huge example about parenting. Kids learn from their parents actions...

    But, even thought i can understand your anger, you should have said that...

  2. 10!!!!!        I'm sorry, but that WAS totally f@#%ing rude!!! Mom and the little girl should have been cussed out by a lifeguard, and told to leave the beach!!! (Personally, I would have said something derogatory to the girl, and B***-slapped the mom, for raising her kid that way!!!) };(

  3. I'd award the Girl;

    * 2/10 for Creativity. "You have ugly hair" is just blatantly obvious, and not even funny. Somebody really needs to take this child aside, and teach her to be rude properly, e.g. "Your hair is so ugly, that <insert punchline here>"

    * a rising 8/10 for Rudeness. She suffers from a poor upbringing. She will certainly end badly, never getting a man, and be in the remedial education class (it cuts particularly deep if you tell them this while they are still young and impressionable).

    I'd award the Mother;

    * a solid 9/10 for Rudeness. Accurate. Descriptive. Perjorative. Clear. Personal. Force multiplier effect of playing to the crowd. Fine effort.

    * 2/10 for Parenting Skills. She should have taught the little girl either to be more respectful to adults, or to be funnier when she insults people.

    * 6/10 for Leadership & Influencing Strategies. Getting the crowd on her side is a very impressive move.

    I'd award you;

    * 2/10 for Self-control. No actual violence, but you should remain calm under such circumstances, and learn to use the anger rather than venting it.

    * 2/10 for Creativity. A chubby reference? No no no. Sticks and stones. Think long term, more along the lines of "To be so abusive, clearly that child has been abused. Somebody call Child Services." That sort of insult keeps giving long after the offence is forgotten.

    * 5/10 for Rudeness. "STFU"? I really don't think your heart was in this. It would be particularly effective to play to the crowd, talk to the little girl, and go into your "Yo Mama" routine. You get instant Dramatic Irony, because her Mama is standing right there, fuming.

    Evidently the only person who was making any effort here was the Mother. Your performance was lacklustre, undisciplined, and needs considerable work to come up to standard.

  4. Yeah, they were rude! I'd say a 9. I would have done exactly what you did, too!

  5. Extremely rude more that the mother did this and allows the child.

  6. I would have slapped her on her ugly face

  7. Little girl: 3 - she's a child and children will say things they shouldn't until an adult teaches them otherwise.

    Mother: 10 - rude

    You: 15 - very rude as well. You should never call another person a name you wouldn't want to be called and you should never tell a person to "STFU."

    What you should have done instead is either ignore them like yesterday's newspaper, or join in the fun making it seem like you already know all about your hair and mother is LATE in realizing it. Then she's the one who looks silly to everyone else for making a big deal out of something that is obvious to everyone else.

  8. I would say a 10, but why make an issue out of a tissue.  I would just have ignored them. As you go through life this will seem like nothing to you.

  9. 10 for both the mother and child. When you said that the mother called your cousins hair nappy, I thought the mother was Don Imus, lmfao.

  10. If I was In your situation I would have wanted to do the same thing,but not do It.What Im saying is someone else's actions shouldn't prompt you to been like "Obviously you have problems,deal with them like a normal human being,and stop taking them out on my cousin,I feel sorry that your daughter has to live most of her life with a person like you,and honestly My cousin's hair is beautiful that way It has been that way her whole life,and She doesn't care whether you approve of It or not,let's just hope your poor daughter doesn't turn out like a non-accepting coward like yourself",then you just leave with a serious look on your face,and both of you shake your head,as you leave.I am good In these kind of situations lol,the thing that never works is swearing,or stooping down to their level,you try to sound mature,and since your younger you make them look immature and stupid.

  11. if two wrongs don't make a right, what's three?

    yes, that's pretty d**n rude, but remember... people are morons.  That little girl is just doing what her elders taught her, its they who deserve your pity.

    instead of responding with the same level of insults (you are better than that!), perhaps you could just say "Why would you say such a hurtful thing? How would you feel if someone said that about you?  Or your child?"

    SOMETIMES people realize they are rude if you call their attention to it.  The rest don't deserve your notice.

  12. Little girl -- depends on how little.  I'd give this a 7.

    Mother -- 10.

    You -- understandably pissed, but still a 9.

  13. both are 4

    They could be visually correct but missed the actual reason and the real circumstance.

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