
On a scale of 1-10, how spoiled are kids today?

by Guest33722  |  earlier

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I say they're extremely spoiled (10). Kids 20 - 30 years ago would have been happy to get a football and play outside with their friends. Today it's a cell phone (the best kind), a TV (the best kind), a car, palm pilot, ipod, computer (the best kind) etc. And they want this stuff for nothing.




  1. I'm definitely not spoiled.  I have to buy my own clothes (not very much), do the chores to earn an allowance, and pay half for my own gymnastics practices.  I'm 13 by the way.  I don't really get rewarded with money or gifts for getting my usual straight A's.  The only time I got one was a computer for my 5th grade graduation and a cell so my parents have a way of contact to my brother and me.  I don't have my own TV or ipod or stereo or anything like that!!

    I would rate myself maybe a 2 or 3, and most kids in the US 6 or 7.

  2. i think its just the way soceity is moving , in 20 years time my generation willbe complaining that kids are spoiled.

  3. me 5 or 6, i dont junk stuff but it just has to be good not the best. now kids with the web demand more from their parents.

  4. as always it depends on the kid. I think your being really ignorant just by saying this because I know lots of kids who are just happy to have a football and throw with friends. some kids are very spoiled but many of them can't afford to be.  

  5. It depends on the person. Please don't generalize. You realize you seem very ridiculous right now.

  6. 1-10.

    You can't generalize

  7. Do you mean, kids in America, or worldwide.

    Worldwide, a 3 or 4 out of 10 considering the power.

    American 7 out of 10 spoiled.

    Your time has gone, why do we need to stay in the 70s and get a football? I'd say there's no difference between getting a football and getting a computer, apart from the obvious exercise. Both are useless, for entertainment, etc.

  8. 6 or 7 on a scale of 1-10

    I get whatever I want only if I buy the stuff with my own money that I made from working, if i didn't have a job and i wanted to buy like clothes, makeup, hair products. My parents wouldnt buy that stuff for me so it really depends..if you got your own money, go ahead but dont take your parents money!!

  9. Probably an 8

  10. Well I am 14 and got a cell phone for Christmas (razor) for $15 ,I have an mp3 player I won, and a laptop I just bought at a yard sale for $25, and I am happy with it. I don't plan on getting a palm pilot or a car anytime soon, and I don't care about the best things out there.

    So to answer your question, only some kids are spoiled. I give it a 6/10

  11. I don't find myself spoiled.  I'm 13, and I have my own pony, cell phone, computer, room, and lots of clothes.  But I got my pony for my 9th birthday (I've been riding since I was 5) and the cell phone was because there was no way for me to call my parents when i was done at riding.  The computer was shared between me and my sister, until she got a laptop.  

    Everything that I would like that is not a necessity though I buy.  I don't think that's as spoiled as some other horse riders.  One of my good friends parents bought her a $71,000 horse, and she decided she hates it.  That's spoiled.

    Also, 2 girls in South CA.  each have at least 20 horses, a private trainer, and their own barns and arenas.

  12. On a scale from 1-10. I would say 12.

  13. on a scale id say about 6 or 7 on average.i'm 13 and i have to work for everything clothes the tv the computer.i am definitely not spoiled.i dont have a cell  phone, i pod, or rights to the computer or tv without asking and working. so not everybody is spoiled. then again thats just me my life sucks

  14. Times will change. A century ago, people probably would have called kids who are now 20 and 30 spoiled. But considering that the media is bombarding this generation with new things every day, it's at a 7 or 8. I'm 15, and I have to work for my clothes, shoes, and everything else that I own by babysitting.

  15. I guess it would depend on what kids.

    Some are not spoiled.

    Like me, if I want something, I have to earn it from my parents.

    The only thing I have from the list above, is an iPod, and I got that for Christmas.

    I'd be happy to go outside and hang out with my friends.

    But I would have to say most kids today are spoiled.

    On a scaled from 1-10, I'd have to go off the scale and say about a 15.

  16. 1 Don't genralize

  17. I am princess anyways....

  18. 894358347653

    My little ten year old cousin got the new iphone the other day.

    I was furious. Whats a kid gunna do with an iphone? And she got a laptop when she was 7.

  19. Me, I'm spoiled to maybe about a 2 or 3. But other kids, they aren't grateful for anything.

  20. not all kids are like that so i can't put them all in a category and give them a certain number. i admit i am spoiled and even my sister says that. i think it's mostly my fault because i always whine until i get what i want. on a scale of 1-10 i'd be a 9. haha i wish i DID have a car

  21. Most kids at my school are extremely spoiled,

    but some of them, including me are not spoiled at all.

  22. I would say it depends on the parents or the kids, you can't make an overall judgment because not all kids are the same. You could say that all kids wish they had all nice things but the reality is that not everyone gets what they want and you need to have things to be spoiled right? So I'm not answering that question because the answers will vary from kid to kid depending on their environment and such.  

  23. In my opinion, it is the way the kids have been brought up.

    I am a teenager, and act grateful for whatever i get, if i am not grateful inside, then that's my problem, and if i want "the best kind" as you say, then i pay the extra.

    You really don't know how aggrivating that question is

  24. It depends on the children and the parents.

    Some children just grow up like spoiled and unappreciative. The "high maintenance" kids. In my family, there are four of us children, my brother, sister, and I appreciate everything that our parents do for us. While my other sister expects the best and appreciates you for about 3 seconds, even though that is not how our parents raised us.

    Other parents give their children whatever they want. Nothing is off limits.

    I'm 15 and I'm spoiled because my parents give me a nice place to live and a great education. They're going to be paying for me to go to college. They buy food for me and clothed me when i was younger and still now, less though, I buy my own everything. And I thank them for everything they do and will do and hope i can repay them in the future.

  25. In what country?  Some countries kids age 10 have to work just to eat.  I don't buy my kids fancy cell phones, or the best TV or palm pilot.  But some are, it is the parents who have the mis-guided sense of values.

  26. i think it depends on the parents i hate it when parents give their kids everything they want.

  27. I would love all that. but I work for my money.

    I pay for everything, that I want.

    I don't pay for Clothes, most of them... I pay for a few. I don't pay for food, if it's like grocerys I spend it if I'm just out though.

  28. not all kids are like that!!!!! im 13 and im not like that. so don't you judge every kid on this planet!!!! im thankful for what i have and am not spoiled. i have good grades good additue have good relasion ship with dad and well kinda mom, i have to share a rooom with older sister, i don't have a cell phone,boyfriend. and i am happy that was  i am. so not every kid is spoiled!!!!!!

  29. society has brought this on by making it un cool for kids that are without the "in" brands or labels. also with less dissipline parents try to buy love and respect from their kids, so it becomes the normal behavour for them to expext everything they cant have or afford now or in their adult life  

  30. It's called the future.  Wake up granny.

  31. not all kids now days are spoiled...

    don't call all of them spoiled

    because most of them are..

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