
On a scale of 1-10... How rude is it to pee in a swimming pool?

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What about taking a c**p....if no one would notice....brown cloud




  1. Peeing- a 2, Everyone does it

    Craping?- a 6 thats not very cool

  2. How about a 12.

  3. Peeing - 4

    Pooping - 11!

  4. peeing in a pool: 2

    pooping in a pool: 10

  5. An important question it today's society undoubtedly.

    But for the record, in case you're wanting to try either of these things out - you may get arrested.  

  6. i dont thnk its rude if you dont get caught and even if you do embrassing! lol but crappin thats like a 6 yuck!

  7. 10 to pee - off the scale on the c**p issue.  

  8. Nobody will ever find out that you had to take a leak, except for the kid who goes around drinking the pool water. It's just like letting off silent gas, nobody will know it was you. I would say anywhere from a 1-3.

    As for the second question, that would be rather awkward. When you swim around it would either follow you in slow motion, or break apart and float everywhere. THAT would be about a 7-8.

  9. it's only rude if you get caught

  10. Not rude at all! That's what they have chlorine for! lol

  11. That is just as gross as you are for asking this ridiculous question!

  12. Number 1 - a 6. People inadvertently drink pool water.  It's like drinking pee.

    Number 2 - a 10.  No one, I mean no one, will enjoy a big floater in the pool.  Will it exit the bathing suit? I wouldn't take that chance.

  13. LOL probably a 6

  14. I will admit i have been guilty for this when i was a little kid. But being an adult i wouldnt pee in a pool. If it were just me in a big giant pool... not really that big of a deal. But thinking about it now after reading all these responses/confessions i wont stick even a toe in a public swimming pool again haha. Especially knowing that people are rating pooping less than a 10 on the gross factor!!!!

    Interesting topic : )

  15. Using a swimming pool as a toilet is not only extremely rude, but unsanitary, disrespectful, and downright disgusting.  Urine, granted, is the lesser of the two evils because it is almost sterile.  Yet it reflects a lack of manners and/or civility.  Defecating in a pool, meanwhile, is a major health hazard.  While chlorine does kill most germs, it can take hours to do so- and some parasites are not affected by chlorine.  Plus, the pool has to be closed when this happens- making the action disrespectful to those who wish to cool off on a hot day.

  16. 2; how can they tell?

  17. Peeing is not rude if done discreetly. Urine is sterile and chlorine disinfects.  Someone might be offended if you did it overtly though.

    And I'm choosing not to acknowledge the second half of your question.  

  18. 10.  Not only is it rude, several local pools closed this summer from microscopic parasite infections that are a result of infected people urinating in the pool (Cryptosporidium).  17 years ago I entered research.  I haven't been in a public pool since.

    I worked at a public pool in the summers when I was in high school.  We were constantly having to hyperchlorinate the pool to maintain pH levels because stupid kids pi$$ed in the pool.

    Gross.  We had a sign that said "We don't swim in your bathtub so don't pee in our pool."  S e r i o u s l  y, dude, do you pee in your bath water?  So why would you think on a scale of 1-10 peeing in a pool would be anything less than a 10???

  19. 10.  It contaminates the water and according to a lifeguard they have to usually close the pool for the day when this happens.

  20. peeing, that's an 8. People might not notice but it's still gross and unsanitary.

    Taking a p**p, that's an 11. I once took a swim in a pool where somebody had dropped an extra large one. I was not best pleased.

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