
On a scale of 1-10 how tabu or socially forbidden are the following activities in Egypt?

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1.) Kissing in Public

2.)Holding hands in Public

3.) Males Hugging Females

4.)Women smoking

5.) women drinking

6.) women shouting or talking in loud voices on the street

7.)having hair colored purple,bright blue or yellow

8.)smiling or winking at the opposite s*x

9.)women having tattoos

10.) being extremely overweight

11.)swearing or using curse words

12.)wearing flashy,revealing or unusual clothes

13.)Laughing obnoxiously loud

14.)Farting,burping picking your nose or passing gas in public

15.)not saying please and thank you when you should

16.)women acting goofy and clowning around in a public place

17.)forgetting to tip (baksheesh)

18.) women smoking (SHEESHA)

19.)Women who are married bellydancing

20.)Male belly dancing




  1. None of these compare to stepping over a person's legs, exposing the bottoms of your feet to someone, or spitting without saying three prayers and bowing to the East.  I'm kidding, kid, it's a relatively modern country.  Only the most backward locals are uptight about such shtick, and even they cut the tourists some slack.  (Unless you're talking about the brainless mullahs, which one should avoid at all costs anyway.)

  2. 1.) Kissing in Public: Foreigners acceptable, Egyptians unacceptable. Happens a lot in cinemas though, but you wouldn’t find them kissing in a public park. Maybe on the cheek if they’re married, but it’s not very common to see.

    2.) Holding hands in Public: Normal.

    3.) Males Hugging Females: Not normal, but you’ll find it common among the upper class citizens.  

    4.)Women smoking: Normal but not among the low class citizens. Middle-upper class is normal but not extremely common.  

    5.) Women drinking: Very wrong, only because it’s an Islamic country and alcohol is considered sinful. Even men will be looked down upon if caught drinking in public and if reported will go to jail.

    6.) Women shouting or talking in loud voices on the street: Happens too often.

    7.) Having hair colored purple,bright blue or yellow: You’ll just draw a lot of unnecessary attention to you. If you’re a guy, they’ll think you’re g*y, rich or both and will get harassed. If you’re a female, you’ll get harassed endlessly in public places and get a lot of stares.

    8.) Smiling or winking at the opposite s*x: Smiling is okay, I don’t know how common winking is.  

    9.) Women having tattoos: Henna tattoos are fine, anything else is forbidden by Islam and thus looked down upon whether male or female. Though I have seen several muslim males with tattoos.

    10.) Being extremely overweight: Common, especially male bellies.

    11.) Swearing or using curse words: Very common among men, less so for women but they will use mild curse words. Upper class teens are vulgar in every way.  

    12.) Wearing flashy,revealing or unusual clothes: Usually they try to be as respectful as possible, so I’d say moderate is the most common with several exceptions. Women will just hear unwanted harassment and will be stared at. Men will usually be considered g*y.

    13.) Laughing obnoxiously loud: S****y female laugh? They’ll think you’re a prostitute. It isn’t common, but then again it depends on where you are. Upper middle class and above, acting yourself be it wearing mini skirts or smoking, is accepted.

    14.) Farting, burping picking your nose or passing gas in public: Disgusting. Not a taboo, just disgusting.

    15.) Not saying please and thank you when you should: Meh, so what? It isn’t a big issue here, depends on what family rules you go by though.

    16.) Women acting goofy and clowning around in a public place: Common among teens – young adults, not among older women. People will just generally stare and pass rude remarks around.

    17.) Forgetting to tip (baksheesh): Not necessary unless you’re a foreigner, where it becomes almost expected you leave a hefty tip. It’s a corrupted country, taxi drivers charge foreigners 3 times more they do an Egyptian.

    18.) Women smoking (SHEESHA): Common among middle class and upper class women. Usually even upper middle class.

    19.)Women who are married belly dancing: Depends on the situation. At weddings, birthdays, among friends, etc. But getting up to dance in a café or something doesn’t happen unless the woman is stoned.

    20.) Male belly dancing: Very common and funny.

  3. 1) between the same s*x it's ok , but opposite sexes it's 10 taboo..





















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