
On a scale of 1-10 how upset would you be if your spouse cheated on you?

by Guest34405  |  earlier

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1 being not upset at all and 10 being on the verge of homicide.

Personally, I'd be a 1. If she's not happy with me and thinks she can find someone better then I'll graciously step aside.




  1. my spouse a 10

    since we both mad a vow to be with each other forever

    a boyfriend about an 8

    that's why you date people to find out if they are the one  

  2. 10

    EDIT: I assume most of the respondents are not married and are only guessing how they'd feel.  A marriage is a huge commitment and it isn't as easy to walk away from as a weekend "hook up" is.

  3. Like a 100.  I'd chop her head off.

  4. There just isnt a number high enough. It is disrespectful, and because i know his schedule, he would have to lie to get away with it, which makes it even worse.

  5. This is gonna sound bad but a 1 or 2...If he wants to find someone else he can

    I have a screwed up reason why but I'm not gonna get into it

  6. i'd still be totally pissed. atleast have the decency to break things off with me first before you sleep someone else.

  7. 10 and  nothing to add but bye bye

  8. About a 0.

    I figure it's her life and if she can do better than me, I wish her all the happiness she can find...I can always find another.

  9. 10... but I would get the bit*h back before I kicked her out!

  10. If she thinks it was a mistake and if she is repentant then the scale is 1 and I will excuse her for the first and last time.

  11. 10 + leave her

  12. um no i would be in the freakin' 1000000000

  13. JUST LEAVE . A 9 .

  14. A 10.

  15. hahahaha your funny.

    i would be a 10 but still walk away ( i don't think the get back together thing is 4 me.)

  16. Agree with you, somewhat! a mature, dispassionate view!

  17. 20!

  18. LIKE 29685873.


  19. I'd be a 10 for sure!

  20. I would want to kill him and Id say thats a 10.*

  21. The max... 10.  If you are not 10, you are not in love.  Or you have an open swinger relationship, yuk

  22. i was in a situation like that i wasn't mad at the guy i was more heart broke because i really found out after i was told by her that she did it because she got married to young,  

  23. 25

    I'd be furious! Give me the respect to leave me opposed to fu<king around behind my back..

    I hate cheaters...there is no excuse.

  24. 1 - 10?

    How about GOOGLE....  I'd be in divorce court so fast his head would spin.  

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