
On a scale of 1 to 10, how bad was McCain's flip-flop on raising taxes?

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1 being a minor flip-flop, 10 being the worst.

Remember in March 2007, McCain told the National Review "No. None. None." in a definitive response to a question discussing potential tax increases.

Now: "I don't want tax increases. But that doesn't mean that anything is off the table" when it comes to Social Security, he said over the weekend, an open-to-interpretation remark that drew a prompt challenge from the conservative Club for Growth.




  1. tell me if i am wrong, but aint them the same words that Big Daddy George H Bush spewed that got him to lose the race for the second term, cause he fibbed flopped??!!

    "read my lips, no new taxes"!!!

    so, i would have to say 10!

  2. Seems he's taking his moves from GDubb Senior Playbook....should have learned the first time around when Slick Willy got into office based on the "Read My Lips..." sound byte.


    Taxes are touchy. No person in a position of representation can or should promise not to increase taxes. Things happen that require them to be raised. Remember, taxes are the fuel that drives this crazy train we call "America". Without em, anarchy. So yeah, they are a necessary evil.

    As far as a flip-flop on it, I don't think this is worth calling him out on. He's got other things that I take bigger issue with, but this...this is just dirty politics and you should probably spend your time studying the REAL issues rather than asking non-questions like this to get a rise out of people.

  3. 10. it's totally obvious that he's flip flopping so he can get elected.

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