
On a scale of 1 to 10 just how crazy are you?

by Guest31901  |  earlier

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someone that answered a previous question of mine..i would have to give them a full 10.wonder if they will say differently.

(crazy in the good kind by the way)




  1. im am a 10 cuz im a psycho dammit

  2. 10 only the crazy people have the most joy out of life.....

  3. That would be dependent on the amount of liquid courage I have in me :)  I'm pretty crazy (in a good way, mind you!) on any given day, so if I've had a few, look out! I would definitely say a 10 or veeerrryy close!  I need a behavior scale to acurately judge :)

  4. On a scale of 1-10:  zucchini.  That's how crazy I am.

  5. Man when I go crazy, I cross the scale limit!

    I do things I never ever think of doing, and when I come back to my senses, I feel very bad.

    This is why I don't like arguments.

    *Best Wishes*

    ♪♣ Đǐvǐήέ Яάў ♣♪

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  

  6. well i can be really crazy and serious too so i say five. lol half fun and half serious.

  7. 10 but then it's a crazy, crazy, crazy life.

  8. It all depends on which side of the bed I get out of but on a good day I would say ten and on a bad day I would be off the chart

  9. The only person not qualified to answer this question is the individual him/herself.

    Do I think I'm crazy? Absolutely not - everything I do makes perfect sense to me.

    Do others think I'm crazy?  If they do, they are careful not to say so.  But since they do NOT say so, how am I to know if the world views me as crazy or they don't?

    I do know this.  I am unique in the environment in which I live.  Noticeably unique.  Do my idiosyncratic ways define me as crazy?  Dunno!

  10. Crazy's my name ( Okay, part of my name..)  So I' say A solid ten. :)  

  11. 18. Im crazy as h**l

  12. I am convinced everyone is at least an 8...we are all crazy! I'm pretty sure I'd qualify as a 10 on occasion! lol

  13. I don't want to brag but...I have to be at least a really....just a 7 right?.....because I am sooooo not a 10. You know I just don't care. I will now go back to my blood and have a dandy old time reading my book......WHAT???!!!!!! My book is missing pages 239-262!!!! NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!

  14. I use to be a 9.  Then I slowed to a 6.  Now you'd have to feel my pulse to see if I'm still there.

  15. i'm not very crazy in the fun way so i'd say about a 4 or 5

  16. I'ma billion hundred.


  18. on a scale of 1 to 10 i'd say i'm a tr :) jk

    seriously im a 28.8641579

  19. You wouldn't believe the things I am willing to do, or the things I have ALREADY done.

    I would tell you a story, but I'm afraid people will steal my ideas.

    I'm a solid 8.39453848349999999

    I'm being honest, I would like to say 10 but 10 is being so  crazy I'm thinking thats like...Russian Roulette dangerous. So I'll stick with my bug eating for money 8, almost 9 number =]

  20. 6

  21. 1-10

    im a 10 in the bad kinda way

    Maybe a 6 in the good kind

  22. I am not crazy, I don't think anyone is. Crazy is a stupid, subjetive and ultimatley comparitive term.

    Paraniod ? Neurotic ? psychotic ? which is "crazy" ?

    How can "crazy" be measured on a scale of one to ten ? Is "1" someone who's too serious, "5" a normal person and "10" the nutter on the bus with the rubber ring and a banjo ?

    I have my serious days and my silly days. I'm in the mid ground, wherever you think that may be.

  23. on the rictor scale of craziness i def. rank above a 10!


  24. On the borders of genious and madness, and, the dividing line, is, ever so fine!

  25. 7

  26. 10. I love me some craziess

    haha, not the kill you in your sleep kind, just excited about life and really happy

  27. 11.5 (:

  28. You can't put my kind of crazy on a scale.

  29. haha like crazy funny and stuff

    im maybe a friend says that im "different" haha

  30. it depends on the kind of day I'm having , if a bad day then not too crazy "in the good way" if a good day then about an 8 on the scale  

  31. 11.2 ;D

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