
On a scale of 1 to 10 where would you rank this country? With Gas and Crimes and all of that Were are we?

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On a scale of 1 to 10 where would you rank this country? With Gas and Crimes and all of that Were are we?




  1. 10 because we are free!

    Gas and crime are terrible, agreed, but I think other countries are much much worse off in all ways than we.

  2. The crime and manipulation of power is unbelievable in this country.

    Yet so many people say that there is no place that they would rather be.

    The fuuny thing is how many people fight to get in this country and the counter to that is all the rich people  who who moved out for that reason like moral Madanna and Johnny Dep to name a few even Hemmingway would rather go to cuba to veg then to Hawaii

    I would say 5 with all things taken into account

  3. What country? You fool... you're not the only country on here

    The U.S? f**king minus 10. Lived there... biggest hole on the planet. People are arrogant, country is full of crime, no health care system. It's a horrible place to live, and I wouldn't go back. Not even to connect a flight.

  4. 42

  5. 3-5

  6. Well, I guess it is all up to you. We could be the best or the worst. If your looking at our weaknesses it would be a 3, being the worst. Others are far worst. And our strength probably a 9. I don't really think there are other countries that are better than us. But we could all be a little better if we tried. Doubt that is ever going to happen though.

  7. Since I received my degree in Finance, this will be from an economical rank predomiately....


  8. 6

  9. still by far the best place to live..

    edit: i see i dwell among the ignorant here

  10. 5

  11. even with all our problems, we are STILL #1. the greatest nation on this earth. one only needs to visit Haiti, or the middle east to be thankful for this country. Gas is still cheaper here than in Europe, and per capita crime really isnt that bad. Why do the rest of the world want to come here? the border is being flooded everyday with people seeking the life we take for granted here.

  12. the fact that you are allowed to disagree with the government should be your first clue.

  13. 10

    What do gas prices have to do with how great the country is?  THIS IS HANDS DOWN THE BEST PLACE ON EARTH, yes we have problems but there's no where else better than this place.

  14. You didn't say what was highest or lowest, but I still rank it as #1 - even with all our problems, it is far worse elsewhere.

    If you think gas is high here, try buying it in Europe - there it is sold by the quart.

    We have more freedom, more rights and far more resources than any other country on the planet.  We have more opportunity and money to burn than anyone else.

    If you are upset about health care, take a tour thru a country that has NONE at any price (there are quite a few out there.)

    When was the last time a soldier broke down your door and took over your house?  Long list of countries where this still occurs.

    I won't go on.  I personally think there are far too many whiners and takers in America - who have done nothing for anyone else and feel entitled to even more than they have already been given!  They refuse to see all the good in America because they know they have done nothing good.

  15. I assume you mean the USA.  I would rank it a 9.  If 10 is the best and 1 is the worst.  We are not a perfect nation.  With regards to gas and crime, gas is a the hot panic of the day.  Crime is high but the only way to lower it is to take away people's freedom.  With freedom comes great evil but also comes greater good.  There is not alot to complain about.  If you do give the USA a low rating and you live here, then think about it.  You are logging onto the internet and answering questions on Yahoo.  I am sure you have a house or apartment, a car, food, a TV, and many more luxuries.  If you think you have it bad, find out more about Darfor.  The children there just want a water bottle for gifts.  They are being persecuted because their villages will not accept the Islamic Government and they will not renounce Christianity for Islam.

  16. Still a 10.  (We're going with 10 being the best, I assume?)There's no where else I'd EVER rather be.

  17. If mean America well

    I would say 10 for crimes

    and you don't pay as much for gas than the rest of the world your price is much cheaper than most because we have to pay by the litre you pay by the gallon

  18. 10. compared to the rest of the world, the US has very cheap gas. and as far as crimes..would u want to live in places around asia and the middle east where theyll kill you for looking at them wrong? we have it much better than u might think.

  19. 8 or so... :(

  20. with 10 the worst


  21. Overall I would still have to say about an 8, just because we have a lot of freedoms that a lot of coutries don't have... but our economy is going down the toilet.

  22. a statistics site said america was twice as a bad as Israel for violent crime, (ratio to population wise)

    ... and gas is still worse in other countries

    if 10 is the worst, then 7

  23. 1 being the worst...i would say based on gas and crimes and nothing else a 2

  24. 8.5

  25. with 1 being the worst 3

  26. uh 5 for gas cause overseas some are paying lik 8 and 9 dollars a gallon.

    Crime 10

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