
On a serious note? have you been a victim of old firm violence have you been the victim or have you dished it?

by  |  earlier

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at the game prior or after ??

in the pub in the clubs??

what is your experiences??




  1. thankfully not

  2. the year Rangers won the League at Parkhead; I had a stooky and crutches because I'd bust my cartilege, ligaments and knee dislocated a couple weeks before the match, I was with 3 mates, none of us had colours on, a bunch of guys (about 8) with Rangers tops came down Millerston Street (between Celtic Park and Duke Street) we were being quiet waiting on a taxi. One of them started hitting my stookie with a Buckfast bottle, a little fight started between the rest of them n my mates then the guy hit my just above the forehead with the bottle, it didnt even smash but left a big hole, luckily just above the hairline. after that all the rangers fans ran away. Nothings ever happened on the day of a celtic rangers game though

  3. I got my eye socket fractured and a massive black eye, a broken jaw and some broken teeth as well as having my body covered in bruises just because I wasn't a sectarian Rangers hooligan. They had been looking for a Celtic supporter to beat up but, couldn't find any so I got jumped instead.

  4. I have witnessed both of the old firms fans behaving outrageously.  That's why it p1sses me off when people come on here and make out as though one side are to blame for all the bother.  The same folk who refer to Rangers fans as 'Scotland's shame' etc no doubt have a collection of IRA-praising CD's at home, and vice versa.

    Both are as bad, and as good, as each other.  Of that I am entirely convinced.

  5. No, it's never got that serious for me - it's only a game

  6. Are you sure you're not one of those dishing out the violence?

    Your answers are always very aggressive anyway.

  7. happened to me when i was 17, it was in glasgow city centre, just at jamaica street if you know it.

    was waiting for a bus, was out on the p**s with a few mates from college, and it was christmas eve, there must have been a Rangers event at the Cenral hotel or something and four Rangers fans, three wearing thier footy tops and the other with the union jack, saw my crucific and broke two of my ribs, my nose and slowly peeled out my eyebrow piercing

    i know a piercing, but it was all the rage about ten years ago lol, got a nasty scar from that night and thats why i cant be a little anti-rangers sometimes. Great Christmnas that was lol

  8. nah, but i was once chased down dura street by a bunch of dundee fans.  then again, it was 1987 and i WAS wearing tie-dyed flares and a camel coat so you can't really blame them.  

  9. nah but always had heated banter

  10. I have never been a victim of old firm violence but i have been pumped rotten by the whole iraqi army tonight and my ringers as wide as the clyde, and on the subject of old firm violence i have kicked f**k oot a few tims

  11. yes one day after an old firm game i was walking by the brazen heid  pub in the gorbals on my way home and got a kicking after rangers had beaten celtic , wearing no colours or shouting my mouth off . why ??  could a have just been for my good looks !!!!

  12. Not actual violence - just verbal.  But not your normal wide-o banter type comments.  Pure rage and hatred and threats of violence.  Once when I was younger and niave when I walked through Bridgeton wearing colours.  That was in front of police who did nothing to help me.  Another time was when I stepped off a supporters bus that was being waited for by a crowd of disappointed h#ns.  They weren't showing their colours until everyone got off.  They got into fist fights with the men and boys, and two of them followed me and my pal talking loudly about how kind they were for not slitting our throats because we were "f#cking birds".

    These are the incidences that made up my mind about the mentality of Rangers fans because up until then I was kidding myself that we were all one country and it was all just banter.

  13. Aye...a few times ! Once outside an indie club with 2 amigos (1Ger, 1Celt), it was funny about 30 seconds after it happened though! Long story short, We had won and as you do we just stayed out celebrating, ending up at the dancing, ambitious considering we could barely stagger !!! Joe, the Ger...aye Joe ! D'ye see where this is going ? He was chatting up some poor lassie, he had the gift of the gab though and was hilarious when he was mortal !! He shouted me down the queue to meet someone and this thug cried us all Fenian scum, well Joe flew for him, dug him once and as he went for it a second time i stepped in trying to stop him, as the bouncers were heading our way !  I tripped over fresh air and took a knee tae the heid ! Dopey drawers !!! Sore head and happy heart !  Once in ibrox when we equalised, as we went bammy in the tiny gap between rows, I ripped the skin of my shins.....agony !!!  We got pipped 2-1 after totally dominating the match !!! Sair night hee hee ! Not sure if this counts but  being physically abused, arrested and gaoled for calling a sergeant in strathclyde's finest a fascist bustard, after he stopped me from getting into the jungle without giving me a reason !!! Dinnae dae the crime if ye cannae dae the time !!! My hellish incarceration was over by the break of day and freedom was mine along with an invite to go back !!! Got laughed out of court when two of his own men admitted that he was a tad overzealous and admitting that his claim of my drunkenness was false.....Admonished and vindicated ! Result !!!  I was keeking masel though ! No too keen on bizzies !!! At school i got tons of grief for playing fitba' wi the lads that went to St. Davids !!! It's how opinions are formed, you know what i mean !? Interesting mucker, have a pointy thing ! Slainte

  14. Victim of a spit aimed at my face by a Celtic fan outside Parkhead many years ago, I was about 16, he was about twice my age!

    Had a kitchen knife 'shown' to me under a jacket by a St Mirren fan in a pub in Paisley as me and my pal were asked to leave as it was a 'home pub' (never downed a beer so quick in my life!)

    Apart from these, remember outside Starks Park, about 20/30 Killie fans fighting with about 50 Rovers ones, I was only 14 or 15 but kicked a killie fan in the back and bolted away behind a wall!!  The Killie fans were soon running away up Pratt Street with their tales between their legs anyway lol

  15. my 12 year old niece got her face spat in last year and called a wee orange so and so for wearing a rangers brother got chased off a few but he was too quick for them..their beer bellies couldn't move as quick as their da got put in hospital years ago..mid 80's when he got jumped by the aberdeen casuals...he said they were about it really

    safc..a little anti rangers..never...

  16. never been in any old firm related violence.luckily all the rankers i have had the pleasure of knowing have been well balanced.hard to believe i know,but true

    FLANGEE,in that attire you should have been pistol sure ive seen you cutting about with that clobber on recently

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