
On a slow dance is it ok to cut in on your friend and her boyfriend?

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On a slow dance is it ok to cut in on your friend and her boyfriend?




  1. I don't think so.. it owuld kind of rude and annoying if you did it to me.. Just wait  to ask him/her for the next dance.

  2. Slow dancing is intimate. It can also be formal. It depends on the setting and the situation. You know your motivation and how it will be perceived. Base your decision upon those factors and you will avoid an awkward situation.

  3. .....................I would defiantly say NOT..........

  4. I'll need to think about that for a sec.... NO WAY SMARTY!

  5. only if you do not want to be friends anymore.

  6. Definatley not unless you jus wanna lose a friend. I'd actually calssify that as rude

  7. Um .. NO

  8. That depends on who you cut in to dance with.  If it is to dance with your best friend's boyfriend, you are better off not doing it.  If you are cutting in to dance with your best friend, then I doubt he will mind as much.

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