
On a stationary bike (not the kind with the really high seat) is it better to have low or high resistance?

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I am trying to lose weight and fat and I was wondering if I'm doing an undetermined amount of riding on a stationary bike (not the kind that look like racing bikes that you need to be hunched over on) would it be better to go at a slower speed with say 5 out of 10 resistance, or at a faster speed with like 2 or 3 out of 10 resistance?

Also, I don't care about leg muscle, I already have really strong legs

Just fat burning and weight loss!




  1. if you really want to burn fat fast just go for a jog once or twice a day, and you'll see results within as little as a week.

  2. To burn fat you want a high cadence around 75-90 rpm's and just enough resistance so that your legs are not getting tired but you are breathing harder. You want to be able to talk but not sing.

    Cycling on the road and a trainer is pretty much the same.

  3. to burn fat go fast at 2 or 3 out of 10

  4. pushing high resistance can cause knee injuries.  the correct way to ride is to spin.  you use a high cadence with light resistance, and that carries over onto the trainer as well.  also correct seat position is important.  the seat should be high enough that your leg extends to almost where it locks straight but not quite.  pushing high resistance or incorrect seat position can damage your knees.

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