
On a train do you like to sit facing in the direction the train is moving or in the opposite direction?

by Guest66762  |  earlier

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On a train do you like to sit facing in the direction the train is moving or in the opposite direction?




  1. facing the direction of train's movement

  2. I like to face to a dicrection where the train is heading unless there is a beautiful girl sitting in the opposite side ;)

  3. walk around, or go smoke in the bathrooms... :p

  4. I don't think it maters. I was on Amtrak yesterday and there were no seats facing forward, so I sat backwards.... I think it gives you a different prospective of life as it whizzes by you, backwards....

  5. facing the direction

  6. The direction it is moving. I always tend to want to sit the opposite direction but I end up getting sicker than when I sit facing forward.

  7. it doesnt really matter for me, where ever there is an available seat.

  8. The same direction

  9. I don´t care, it´s the same for me.

  10. It is suggested that one should sit towards the same direction the train is moving.

  11. definitely facing the direction in which you are moving.

  12. opposite direction going, forward direction returning

  13. I like to face in the direction where the train moves

  14. The opposite direction, it's like your travailing back in time

  15. The direction i am moving, this way if it crashes you can kind of see it coming.

  16. in the direction it is moving

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