
On a train without a ticket. What determines whether you will be prosecuted for fare evasion, or "just" fined?

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Joolz: "Also if the train is involved in an accident & you do not have a ticket, and you loose a leg, then the train company does not have to pay out to you."

I don't think this is true - even people who burgle your home can sue you if you injure themselves.




  1. The first time - you get a warning - a written warning.  and your name is on the system for 10 years.  the second and subsequent times you're fined. and it is not the price of the ticket.   According to GO transit the fine is $110 for not riding with a valid ticket.  

    For the love of god too those people who answered - give a fake name... Are you freakin' crazy.   The way it workes here in Ontario on GO transit - they ask you for ID.... so there is no way you can give a fake name.  

    For Go Transit riders too:   Make sure when you punch your 10 ride there are no overlapping rides. (so you can cheat and get an extra ride or two)   My friend tried that and got screwed the hard way!!!

  2. The local rules, regulations, and laws...

    Here in California, on CALTRAIN... we have a Proof-of-Payment system that requires that you have your ticket ON YOUR PERSON.  The fine is $250.

    I've seen the conductors call ahead to the transit cops for anyone who doesn't TAKE the citation.

    And I HOPE those who suggest "giving a false name and address" is very risky !! In larger cities, they have facial recognition software... so they MAY just find you again and tack on Fraud and Criminial Evasion charges...

  3. If you fail to produce a ticket when requested to do so, you will be given an instant fine of £20 if you are in a penalty fare area. If you are not in a penalty fare area, you will be required to buy a full price single or return ticket for the journey you are making. Failure to pay will result in you being issued with an "unpaid fares" notice. Your details will be checked by the person issuing the "unpaid fares" notice, using a company called "Revenue Support Services", who have full access to the electoral role.

    Outside of penalty fares areas, travelling without a ticket is a civil matter unless you give false details. If you give false details it becomes a criminal matter and you are liable to be arrested and charged with fare evasion.

    Always buy a ticket before you travel: hiding in the toilet is not recommended; it's the first place we check.

  4. they normally try and charge you the "standard fare".

    never carry any ID,give a false name,to every one but the real filth

  5. They usually will let you purchase a ticket but charge an additional fee when purchased on board the train. If you have ID, they give you a pink ticket and that is a promise to pay for your transportation at a later time.

  6. A thief is a thief.

    If caught in the US, you will be forced to hire out for the Union Pacific.

    All current cases are pending appeal, on the grounds that working for the UP constitutes 'cruel and unusual' punishment, in violation of Constitution of the United States.

    Just buy the ticket...........

  7. these people who fare dodge are the ones who complain first when a train is late, start paying your fares then the railways might improve.

    Also it serves the TOC's right if they cant be bothered employing enough conductors etc... something needs to be done about this

  8. I think it's the amount of the ticket but whatever you do, just give a fake name and address.

  9. 1st & only piece of advise that I would give you is that you make sure that you get a ticket! It's your insurance! And what do I mean by Insurance?

    Well by not buying a ticket, if you are taken ill on a train then you will have to pay for an ambulance to attend & you will be fined & taken to court by the rail company. Also if the train is involved in an accident & you do not have a ticket, and you loose a leg, then the train company does not have to pay out to you.

    If you have a ticket and have a fall on a station and its found to be the fault of the station you can claim compensation!

    Now to answer your question: If you are caught without a ticket, then its up to the discression of the ticket inspector & police as to if they will fine you or press charges.

    As for all those who have said use a falce name, Please do not take that advice as it will end up worse for you, and you could end up totally barred from traveling on a train & not be allowed on any form of railway property, and also a criminal record!  

    If you have fair dodged then you deserve to be caught!

  10. It depends if you lie. If you say the ticket office was closed and they know it was open, or you say you got on at a later point than they know you are more likely to be prosecuted.

  11. when ur on the mainline u will either be fined rite there on the spot or ull have to buy a ticket if u get the chance to buy a ticket dont moan bout it as they will then choose to make u pay a fine so go with the ticket no matter how much it is (7-8 pounds)..

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