
On a very crowded train, would you let a silent one off, if you thought it could be smelly?

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On a very crowded train, would you let a silent one off, if you thought it could be smelly?




  1. yes yes yes yes


  2. Trouble is how do you know it is going to be silent?

    If i could be sure of it yes.

  3. yeah but i would move to the other side of the train while doing it, lol.

  4. what the h**l, do it!!!!!!!!

  5. all the time, but you have to 'cut it off' by waving hand behind asre so as not to get caught....

    let one off and enjoy the aroma but pretend to be disgusted, revel in the pain in causes.


  7. I would f**t any were anytime

  8. Easy to answer.  Yes, i've always thought of farting as hilarious.  I remember i rpped a loud one in chemistry class in college.  ROFL i couldn't stop laughing.

  9. i would

  10. Why not if it is that crowded no one will know who it was. Silent but deadly.

  11. I do it in the supermarket, and in a lift if i can.

    Yes it was me, hahahahahahahahahahaha!

  12. No that's just plain wrong.

  13. No, that wouldn't be polite. I would start laughing........

    Speaking of farts...At church the other day we had a moment of silence, and someone farted. I could not stop laughing. I felt bad, but I couldn't control myself from laughing.

  14. Yes, definately, but only if I was confident I would not follow through.

  15. Definatley , without even thinking about it as long as there is enuff other people to blame. smellier the better! Then give someone a dirty look as if to say "you smelly b*****d!" and point at them

  16. of course wouldnt you i do in any crowded place my mrs usually knows its me,,especially when i say to her let rip she hates it even more when i let one go in her face,i just say thats being romantic,you should see the look i get.

  17. well that is kinda hard bc it can be hard to tell sometimes if it is gonna be a stinker.  others u no right away.  lol.  u can just feel it

  18. Smell or not, silent or not, let 'er rip.

    I'd deny it was me, un less the paint was peeling, then I'd claim it.

  19. yes, and then say out loud, OMG someones let one go


  20. Let em Rip.

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