
On an 85 F degree long would it take to cook a hot do using solar energy?

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For a science project, I made a solar hot dog cooker with my science parter.

How long do you think it would take to cook it if it is over tin foil?




  1. Impossible to say without knowing the size and efficiency of your cooker amongst over variables. Just try it and see.

  2. Who would want to eat a hotdog cooked that way? It would develop do much bacteria it would be too dangerous to eat.

  3. how big is your oven?

    how high overhead is the sun?

    how well insulated is your oven?

    are you going to try to focus the sun on the hot dog, or just let the oven heat in general?

    they're cheap.  just try it.

    one would think that when it starts to drip grease, it's done.

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