
On an eye prescription, what does O.S. -7.00-1.00x140 mean?

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Is this the left eye? Does this actually mean the prescription is -7.00?




  1. U are having about 700degree of myopia.

  2. WTG Chuck...that response has to be in the running for one of the top dumb answers of the week.

    I'll never understand why people with no clue about the technical issues give answers with such certainty.

  3. The Snellen 20/20 scale does not have anything to do with this, it never has. What a goof. What this means is that you have a prescription for your left eye.... O.S means Ocula Sinestra or Left eye. -7.00 is one of the components of your Rx and the -1.00 is the cylinder, meaning that you have two different diopters of curvature on your lense. One is a -7.00 and the other is a -8.00. They are 180 degrees apart. Your     -7.00 is sitting at the 140 degree line and your -8.00 is sitting at the 50degree line We write this in minus cylider as -7.00 -1.00 x140 meaning we start at -7.00 at the 140 and move -1.00 to get to the -8.00.  If we started at the -8.00 component of your lense we would do the opposite. We would start at -8.00 at the 50 degree mark and move +1.00 to get to -7.00. This would be written in a different form as       -8.00 +1.00 x 50.  Your eyes are not just a -7.00 becuase that would be just a sphere with the same Rx in both meridians. Your Rx is not like this at all.  Your sperical Equivalent would be -7.50 for a singular spherical Rx, but you would not see really well out of it. It would do in a pinch, but not all that great.  So, no, your prescription is not actually         -7.00. it is actually -7.00-1.00x140

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