I wear Acuvue 1-day disposable contacts for nearsightedness, a few months ago, I started having problems with blurred vision. The vision in one of my eyes will be blurred slightly (the other is fine). It's almost like one eye has double-vision. Some days it seems a lot more noticeable than others.
I told my optometrist about it, and was switched to focus dailies. (She said maybe these would stay in place better.) For the first few days I used them I didn't notice this problem. A couple of days ago, I started having this problem with the focus dailies too.
Any idea what this could be? I'm kind of doubting that it's actually a contact lens problem and not a problem with my eye, but I have no clue. I have a follow-up appointment this weekend, so I'm trying to figure out if there's anything I should ask about, I guess.