
On aqua teens?

by  |  earlier

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shake put meatwads pets in the microwave and then carl had some biohazard materials that brought it back from the dead as a zombie. so i tried it with a bird but hs not coming back to life. what did i do wrong??




  1. go away

  2. You proabably set the settings and timer on the microwave wrong. You're suppose to set to low and microwave it for about 10 minutes. And you using the wrong kinda of radioactive waste. Loitering inside a nuclear power plant might let you find the right kinds.

  3. You need to be a human-sized talking milkshake who lives with a meatball who likes to play with dolls and a box of fries who's smarter than you and the meatball and shoots lightning from his eyes.

  4. ok??????????????????????????????????????...

  5. say what???
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