
On august 31 i injured my calf i can barely walk and it gets harder when i walk? help !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

by  |  earlier

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i injured tackling my brother he is 23 when i tackled him he landed his knee on my calf and i have a football game on thursday help plz. thanx in advance




  1. if you havent gone to at least a doctor. go now. this could get really bad or better. I would choose better by going to the doctor :)

    Ive seen it in 11 year olds get better in 2 months but the older you are the longer it takes so id say 4 months max.

  2. Put some ice on it and see a doctor ASAP.  You've obviously done something nasty to it, and you shouldn't play until a doctor says you can.  I know that's not what you wanted to hear, but allowing it time to heal is much better than permanently crippling yourself.

  3. MOOOOVE over to the doctor and ask for advise.  Sorry I couldn't resist.  Try resting it, keep off it and heat at night, cold if it swells up.

  4. go to a doctorrr hunn. :D

  5. we dont know for sure how long it will be.!!!! some peoples heel faster than others!!!

  6. put ice. rest a lot.

    try to massage it. dont do too much activites

  7. Wat the heck who tackles their brother...( ok u do) jk...u can try walking everyday utill u fell beter or something.  

  8. u are screwed my friend.

  9. probably should have a doctor check it if you cant walk, might have pulled a muscle or something,  

  10. see a doctor

  11. idk how long it will be for it to heal but you should take it easy for a while. which means no football this week

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