
On average, about how many hours is a flight to Canada from California?

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I'm just curious. :D




  1. A direct flight from Toronto to Los Angeles is approx. 4 Hrs 58 Min. If you were to fly from Ottowa to Los Angeles it is approx. 5 Hrs 22 Min. You can get flight times for airports all over the world at

  2. Well it depends. For one, where in Canada would you fly to??Would you fly directly north? or would you fly to like Nova Scoia over by New York? Also would it be a direct flight (which costs more) or would it have a layover, and where would the layover be. Sorry, it's not the answer you were looking for, but you should have been more specific.

  3. four and a half hours.

  4. Anywhere from one hour to seven hours, depending on WHERE IN CANADA you start from.  Or do you know where you are?

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