
On average, how much does a boy's p***s grow during puberty?

by Guest65368  |  earlier

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My 13 year old boyfriend has a small p***s (about 4 inches) and we plan to stay together for a long time, so I'm wondering how much it will grow over the course of a few years.




  1. He is a shall grow with time atleast upto his 24th year. So have faith in him!

  2. a human male's p***s size peaks around age 17. exactly how much is hard to say...

  3. If he's 4" already, he might grow a couple inches. If hes lucky maybe more.

    I hope you found your soul mate, thats great!

  4. Mine only grew about 2 inches!  Wow, I never thought of it that way!  lol

    I started with about 3" at 13.

  5. be patient! it will grow and u don't know when it will so.....wait till u are all growed up ha ha

  6. Trust me, that 4 inches would be lethal to you. It feels a lot bigger inside a woman (ask one)

    Hes only 13, give him time to grow he has another 7/8 years left of growing.

    He will probably reach the average (6inches) but its determined by genetics so who knows, maybe he will be bigger or smaller than that.


  7. 13..OMG! grow up kid..and think abt life when u get to learn abt these stuff!

    u dont wanna end up like Jamie Lynn Spears,do u???

  8. Omg! haha you shouldn't be thinking about your 13 year old's boyfriend's d**k haha! His dickk will grow, and so as your b*****s, which probally haven't either moohaahaahaa

  9. yea it wil grow alot

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